Monday, June 21, 2010

Never Drink and Derive T Shirt Changes Lives

Never drink and derive! It's such an important message that I'm going to go ahead and say it another way. Don't drink and derive! Euclid and Pythagoras and all those derivers of old would never have believed the mess this number stuff was going to cause on college campuses across the country. Unbelievable really.

Kids...just kids really. Pushing pencils on graph paper, wielding t squares uncertainly, erasing errant lines, trying so hard to be precise, wishing they weren't the only college students in the Northern Hemisphere without access to a computer. So they drink beers, tequila and fermented pineapple smoothies, hoping to "get off" and hold it together in equal measure. Ultimately, they're endangering their reputation and maybe even their lives if you think of it in a very exaggerated way.

OK, so if you're reading this you know how important it is to spread the word, to remind the young people, to stand up and be heard. It may look harmless and innocuous, but the results of drinking and deriving can be devastating. If you believe this with all of your heart or you're effectively being manipulated and perhaps brainwashed by my persuasive prose then for certain you must get the Never Drink and Derive Tshirt.

Trouble is you can only get the authentic shirt of this ilk in one place in the universe and it's very important you know where this shirt bazaar is located on the intarweb. Lucky for I have the inside scoop and it's totally true you can discover this finery at...

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