Sunday, June 20, 2010

Animal Bites

Domestic animals have evolved over many years to be suitable pets. Generally, they are fun and friendly companions for their owners; however, occasionally, an animal behaves aggressively or erratically, which can cause injury to their owners or someone else. When an animal displays violent behavior, it is important that owners take necessary precautions to protect people from their pets.


An animal that has been violent in the past is more likely to repeat their behavior. It is the pet owner's responsibility to take the necessary precautions to prevent them from harming someone. This is especially important when guests are in their home, or when the dog is outside near new and unfamiliar people. Animal bites can cause serious injury, and in extreme cases, even death. Commonly reported injuries include:

• Lacerations or cuts

• Infection

• Nerve damage

• Muscle damage

• Scarring

• Rabies

If you have been bitten by an animal that has drawn blood, you should seek immediate medical care. Bites are highly susceptible to infection due to all of the living bacteria in an animal's saliva. Additionally, rabies is a disease that can travel from an animal's saliva to humans and, if not treated, is fatal.


If an animal has a violent history, their owners should be extraordinarily cautious when introducing new people to their pet. Once a dog has one instance of violence on its record, the owner becomes liable for any damages their pet may inflict in the future, including the victim's medical expenses, pain and suffering, and, potentially, lost wages.

If you have been bitten by an animal because its owner was not properly containing it via leash or fence, they may be liable for your damages. Speak with a personal injury lawyer immediately to discuss your grounds for filing a suit.


Treatment for an animal bite varies depending on the type and extent of injury; however, regardless, if the animal broke skin, you should seek medical assistance.

An animal that has violent or aggressive tendencies may also be treated for their behavior. There are several dog training schools that work toward taming an animal. Frequently, violent behavior is the result of an abusive or neglected past. In many cases, this manifests in dogs as nervousness or anxiety, which makes them prone to erratic behaviors.

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