Sunday, May 30, 2010

Divorce For Men, Manage Your Case, Manage Your Lawyer, and Win Your Divorce

Divorce for men is not always a fair process, women have an advantage in divorce court and you have to deal with it. OK, say that you've found a divorce lawyer and he's telling you what is best, he's telling you what to do. Wouldn't it be better if you understood the divorce process and could contribute to it? Wouldn't it be better if you knew the strategies that work best? Strategies that will keep you from sacrificing things that you hold dear? Yes, you really can lose it all, do you really want to outsource your divorce?

Your lawyer is going to cover a lot of different items about your divorce and it can make your head spin. On the other hand if you prepare yourself and understand the process you will not only already know what he is saying but you don't have to accept it on blind faith, rather you can contribute winning strategies. You see divorce lawyers are busy people, often what they do is cookie cutter procedures and processes from the other cases they have handled. Sometimes they are just lazy, other times they are so busy that they have to take these short cuts but you don't have to let them.

By learning the process and learning how divorce lawyers work, you can learn to manage them and manage your case. Understand what is happening and simply do not allow any shortcut that is not part of a winning strategy. Simple sentences in the divorce decree can cost you a lot of money unless you understand them and phrase them to serve you and not your soon to be Ex wife. Sometimes these mistakes are irreversible this is another reason that you need to be an active part of your divorce.

By being a part of the process and managing your lawyer, you will also be able to understand all the fees that your lawyer will charge you. You'll be able to spot if you are being overcharged or not. All in all, you will be able to make wiser decisions and put in place strategies that will help you win your divorce. You won't need to go to bed at night wondering what is going on and is the case being handled in the best way. You want to learn the process so you understand what is the best way to go in your divorce.

Finally learn to manage your self and your emotions so that you expect a positive result. This will help you handle yourself in the most effective way when you hit the stress points. All of these things will save you a lot of money, keep you from making life altering mistakes, and allow you to win your divorce.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

How to Pick a Lawyer - The Basics

Picking a lawyer can be very stressful. Without a legal background, it is often difficult to tell the difference between one attorney and the next. This is further complicated by the degree of specialization in legal services. In the past, it was adequate to use a general lawyer who could cover a broad range of legal services. The law, however, has become increasingly complex and law firms now often have different departments for specific areas of specialization such as litigation, personal injury, malpractice, real estate, and intellectual property.

So how do you pick a lawyer? Here are a few basic criteria that can be used:


Make sure that any lawyer you're considering has adequate experience, not only in law, but also in the specific cases of your type. In addition, make sure that he has adequate trial experience. Many lawyers don't actually try lawsuits.


It is important to research the past work of an attorney. Check with past clients, colleagues, and judges and look for press coverage of past cases. In addition, you can search peer-review online databases such as


Check to make sure that your lawyer graduated from an accredited law school. The American Bar Association maintains a list of law schools it has approved on its website.


Legal matters can be very personal in nature. Make sure that you connect on a personal level with your lawyer. If you don't get along with your attorney, it will be difficult to work with him effectively.


Legal services can often be prohibitively expensive. With legal fees running hundreds of thousands of dollars, prestigious law firms are frequently too expensive for most people. Local judges can often recommend attorneys that have affordable fees.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Farm Insurance Agents and the Power of a Buy & Sell Agreement

If it turns out that your offspring are not interested in sunning your farm or business into the next generation you have two options.

Option number one is for you to keep working forever (ok you may be able to find someone to rent it) until you simply wear out and die. At that point your widow (wives outlive husbands by an average of 10 years on the farm) can put it up for sale.

Option number two is for you to negotiate the sale of your place in advance, getting the best price and terms possible, so that your family's financial future position is secured and known well in advance.

For most of those who choose Option #1 getting the maximum value for their lifetime of hard work is a pipe dream. Potential buyers will offer less than the farm/business is worth for a couple of very logical - to them, reasons. You will not be around to reason with them so what makes sense to the potential buyers is much more important that what your family may think is true.

Typically farm insurance agents have seen these unhappy scenarios play out again and again where people they know thought they were somehow special and the rules of nature and finance would not apply to them. People who learned, or at least their families learned, the truth the hard way.

If farming was easy, anybody could do it. Good years and bad years come and go with some farmers doing better than others during both the up years and the down. Your efforts and your knowledge are probably responsible for some of the profits and success you've had over the years.

If you're no longer around, everything else being equal, your farm's profits will shrink and the farm's earning power will decline. In fact the farm, without you, may no longer exist as a going concern that produces income above what you could rent the land to a neighbor for.

If you have special knowledge and experience that produces fatter cattle, more milk per head, greater yields, etc. buyers will want to discount the price to or below the local rental value since you will not be available to provide your special insights to help them get the most from their investment.

Another problem is that the purchase price will be arrived at through negotiation, without you, allowing potential buyers to offer less than the asking price. The final price will be the result of a compromise reflecting the bargaining strength of both parties. Who do you think will have a stronger position, the potential buyer or your family, if you're not around?

In most situations the potential buyers will have more leverage and so they will have more control of the final price and the terms. If your family also needs cash and the potential buyers know it, there may be a tremendous loss of total price in exchange for the cash your family needs desperately. Your family will inevitably receive less than the full value of what you've built.

Farm insurance agents know that there is a way, Option #2, where you can make sure your farm business is sold for what it's really worth. That's by doing your negotiations NOW while you're in your best bargaining position.

You can seek out, maybe with your business accountant's and lawyer's help, interested purchasers and negotiate an agreement that will give your family the most possible dollars for your years of hard work. Naturally the best way to accomplish this is with a written contract that establishes the terms of sale - today, in advance of the day it will be needed.

Such a contract is called a Buy & Sell Agreement. It formalizes the procedure for transferring your interest over to new owners. It provides a smooth transition of ownership and minimizes lost business value.

If you are in business with one or more people a Buy & Sell Agreement is an absolute necessity. If one of you leaves the business it's likely the others will want to continue. Isn't that your situation? Wouldn't you want to continue the farm if your partner left?

In fact, you and your partners probably have the same concerns. You both want full value for your interest if you leave and you want to take over the farm if they leave the business first.

If you are a sole owner you can enter into a Buy & Sell Agreement with a key employee, an outsider such the son of a neighboring farm owner, or even a competitor. If you are selling the buyer should not matter as long as the price is one you agree upon as fair, the terms fit your needs, and the buyer has the resources to make the payments.

So, where should you go to learn more about the ins and outs of Buy & Sell Agreements and how they can help you achieve your objectives? Farm insurance agents have access to the tools and the terms of agreements used successfully by other farm owners.

Farm insurance agents can also arrange for the financing of the agreement so that the buyer gets a huge discount, payments are only required while you are around to make sure they are being made, and farm insurance agents are the only people who will attend your or your partners funerals with a cashier's check in their pocket for your and/or your family.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

12 Steps - How to Flip Houses? Or How to Wholesale Houses? No MONEY DOWN

1. Educate Yourself. Purchase a Real Estate Investing book, course, seminar, coach or mentor. This will make the method of flipping houses (or wholesaling houses) easier to start without chasing your tail. I would highly recommend a mentor or coach who has plenty of experience at wholesaling houses with no cash or credit.

2. Setup Communications. A dedicated cell phone or voicemail to take calls from your motivated sellers looking to sell their distressed properties. This phone number will be placed on all of your house flipping marketing materials such as bandit signs, postcards, websites, business cards, TV and Radio ads, etc. You will also need a fax number to receive faxes of documents such as real estate contracts, title work and seller info.

3. We Buy Houses Website. This is a very important tool that can save and make you a lot of money in the wholesaling houses business. Simply put, this is your 24/7 Flipping Houses salesperson because it's working when you're at work, sleep, on vacation, etc. Always brand your site with any marketing that you do and make sure it's simple, concise and user friendly. I highly recommend starting with a website but it's not necessary to flip houses in the beginning.

4. Marketing: Get Your Phone Ringing. None of this will work without motivated sellers calling you with houses that you can flip. There are many ways to market your business but the 2 most effective methods are "I Buy Houses" Bandit Signs and "Sell Your House" postcard campaigns. Most cities have laws on the books against Bandit Signs but a lot of cities don't enforce those laws because they have bigger fish to fry than chasing you down about bandit signs. Therefore, if you see them in the area that you want to wholesale houses in then it's normally ok to start your own "We Buy Houses" bandit sign campaign. Your "I Pay Cash for Houses" postcard campaign will be easier to implement because you will simply choose an area and target absentee owners in that area. You can purchase this list of absentee owners from data firms that sell this info.

5. What to Say? Once your phone starts to ring with motivated sellers you should have a script from your real estate investing course that will allow you to gather the necessary info to determine if this is a house flipping opportunity.

6. Negotiating Price. Before you can start to negotiate price you must know what the house is worth in excellent condition and there's a formula you can use to determine the After Repaired Value or ARV as it's called in the house flipping business.

That formula: ARV x 70% - Repairs - (Your Assignment Fee x 2) = Contract Price with the motivated seller. Whatever real estate investing course or seminar you purchase should explain how to determine repairs.

Ok, now don't be afraid when speaking with sellers because "the one with the gold makes all the decisions." There are 2 options when negotiating this potential real estate investment deal, you allow the seller to give you the bottom line price or you make the offer. If you are forced into making an offer here's a rule of thumb that I use, if you're not embarrassed with your offer you haven't made a low enough offer. The other option is simply asking the seller one question with a follow up question, PAYING ALL CASH AND CLOSING QUICKLY, WHAT'S THE LEAST AMOUNT YOU WILL ACCEPT? Regardless of what answer they give you always ask this follow up question, IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO?

7. Contract & $10. Now you and the seller have agreed on a price that will allow you to flip this houses with no money down. What makes this work is the contract that you will use to secure and tie up this deal long enough for you to wholesale this house to your buyer/investor. I use a one page real estate investing contract for the simplicity and speed of the deal. Of course, I'm not an attorney so you should use a contract that you are comfortable with wholesaling houses in your state. Most real estate investing contracts are secured with earnest money to show you have a interest in the property. I normally don't give more than $10 earnest money on each deal. There's no law that requires you to give more but it's more of a realtor's industry standard to give a minimum of $500 to secure a real estate contract. You will always buy the property AS-IS and PAY ALL CLOSING COST. You will see how to get rid of the closing cost later in this article.

8. Let's Flip this House. Ok, you have the contract in hand from your motivated seller. Your flipping houses business will be as strong as your real estate investor buyer's list. Your buyers will be a real estate investors looking for income properties for rentals and the "flip that house" guys you see on TV. You will simply market your property to these real estate investors looking for deals. Of course, you can only sell this property to one real estate investor but you wanna collect data on every real estate investor that calls about the house you're trying to flip. Simply, this data will be used to build wholesale houses buyer's list for your future deals.

9. Contract with your Real Estate Investment Buyer. You can use the same one page house flipping contract with a couple of small changes. You will now require a minimum of $500 as earnest money (you gotta know if real estate investor is a serious buyer) to secure the deal, your real estate investor will pay all closing cost and you will be listed and sign as the seller on this contract in order to wholesale this house.

10. Pull Title. Some flipping houses courses and seminars will train you to pull title once you have your contract with the motivated seller but I normally wait until I have a buyer in place before I pull title. Liens and chain of title will slow and sometimes destroy your house flipping opportunity. Most of the time you can clear the title with the help of your motivated seller. Once you have a clear title, let's close the deal.

11. Let's Close. The title is clear and you have set a time that works for the buyer and seller. You should close your deals with a real estate attorney or title company but sometimes your buyer will want to use his folks. If so, you simply need a contact person to send your closing details to ensure the funds are disbursed correctly. In most cases this will be the first time the seller and buyer will meet and the way you get over the "Who is this Guy Look?" is simply introduce the buyer as your "partner on this deal."

12. The Best Part: How do You get Paid? You will get paid via an Assignment Fee from the buyer.

Example: Your contract price with the motivated seller is $20,000 and your contract price with the real estate investor is $30,000 therefore the HUD-1 statement will show an assignment fee of $10,000 paid "Joe the Flipping Houses Guy".

So, the motivated seller will collect a check for the $20,000, you will receive a check for $10,000 and the real estate investor will get the keys for the house you just flipped to him.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Search For Free Criminal Arrest Records to Prevent Crimes

It's not enough to depend your personal and business life on those resumes and applications that were assumed to be true and accurate. For you to have that reliable source of information to check on the honesty of a person, it is recommended that you search for those arrest records that are available nowadays. Such process will give you the peace of mind that you need.

One of those searchable documents this time is Oklahoma Arrest Records. These records can be easily found online. To be able to obtain such file, you may choose to use either the free search or one that cost a minimal price. It has been said that conducting the search through the fee-based support is preferable since that will provide you with a professionally-done and most accurate result. The records that you will also get from them came from various databases; therefore, you'll really be satisfied with the outcome of your search.

The most common things that are associated with searching Arrest Records Oklahoma are the status of sex offenders, those known aliases, arrests and any conviction records from any other case. Because of the increase in crime rate based on statistics, filed documents in Oklahoma are sometimes lost while others were not even recorded yet for a long span of time. However, with those professional services online, you will surely obtain the desired data once it is recorded in the court.

Another advantage when you search for these records through those commercial record providers is that they keep every confidential thing that is related to the search. Such act is to ensure that you're safe from those people that you're searching for who might cause you any harm once they learn that you're searching for information about them. These arrest records usually reveal details such as what kind of offense was done, when was that done, and what were the outcome of those crimes.

Not everyone who wants to search for these criminal records have enough time to perform all the things that should be done. Searching may sometimes require you with a longer time. With the help of those professional service providers, you don't have to worry about that concern with time anymore. These providers offer tons of resources that you can use for searching as well as databases that contain your desired data. Therefore, obtaining reports for Oklahoma Criminal Records will only consume few minutes of your valuable time.

The bottom line why people search for these arrest records is to ensure the security of one's self, the family, and the business too. Therefore, for you to achieve such goal, you should not just trust those search providers that are not tested to be of much help. Another thing is to avoid being victimize by scams and illegal practices that surround us now. Trust only those sites that will truly help you with your decision making after the search.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Online Accessibility of Criminal Arrest Records

Without a doubt, people are now getting interested in checking for those available arrest records for various reasons. States are required by the Freedom of Information Act to keep tract of those vital records and store them in state repositories for public consumption. One of the many fortunate people who have access to these arrest files are the residents of the state of Oklahoma.

Oklahoma Arrest Records is now widely searched for one common reason which is for the security and protection of the one who is conducting the search as well as his family, friends, or business. Every piece of information that this document contains is essential in performing an investigation regarding someone's background for important situations such as for employment. The same information will also help someone to fully get acquainted with his or her partner before tying the knot that will bind them together for life.

You'll never know if that individual that you're currently facing at or the one that you frequently go along with is actually a criminal in Oklahoma if you won't take time to dig through that Oklahoma Criminal Records. Lucky are those who are living in this said state because it provides a lot of sources where the information can be obtained. It is available through the Ohio Department of Corrections website, the Oklahoma District Court Records website, and the website of Oklahoma State Courts Network.

Apart from going through these government services, the Internet also holds a lot of private record providers now that are also catering to this kind of concern. These providers are categorized into two: free-of-charge and fee-based. When you decide to search for that information for no cost at all, then it's your call. However, your mind should be set beforehand that this kind of service won't give you that report that is comprehensive and accurate. Thus, if you're searching to support any official case, then this is not the best way for you to go.

The most recommended way to search for the information on Criminal Arrest Records is through those fee-based search sites. This type of service is guaranteed to be of high professional standards. That is why even when you've spent an amount of money for them, you won't regret doing that because in return, they will give you what your heart desires. Retrieving the information through this process is surely simple and the results are proven to be of much accuracy.

These criminal arrest records are public records which basically means that anyone who wants to have it can definitely do so for as long as state laws and procedures are followed. These documents contain any form of detention and cases such as dropped charges, reasonable doubt cases, and plea bargains are included in its scope. That is why searching for them is considered very important because of the many relevant information that it bears. Therefore, it's now easy to keep everyone in your life safe at all times. Just make sure you'll choose that search site that guarantees no charge for every no results that you'll get from the search.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Active Arrest Warrants - What is a Warrant For Arrest and Why You Should Care

Check yourself for active arrest warrants today

Checking for arrest warrants is one of the most important background checks you will ever do on yourself, or on anyone else for that matter. If you've got a warrant for arrest and you choose to ignore it then you could find yourself with a hefty fine or a vacation in jail. So what exactly is an arrest warrant?

There are 2 kinds of warrant that can get you arrested

There are two forms of warrant that you can get arrested for. There are Bench Warrants and Arrest Warrants. Arrest Warrants are issued by a court when the police present adequate evidence that you might have committed a crime. Bench Warrants on the other hand are issued by the court when you fail to do something that the court has told you to do like pay a fine, do community service or even just turn up on time.

Being aware of arrest warrants when they're issued is very important and could save you a lot of money or even prevent you getting thrown into jail. The first thing you should do is find out if you have a warrant for your arrest using an online public records database. If you do have one then you should get yourself a lawyer as soon as possible and arrange to hand yourself in.

Give yourself up before they start chasing you

The trick is to give yourself up to the court before the police come looking for you. It will be the difference between walking into court voluntarily and being dragged in handcuffed by the police. Which of these two scenarios do you think will gain you the most sympathy and favourable treatment from the court?

Don't waste time, check for arrest warrants now and make sure that you check regularly in the future.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Free Outstanding Warrant Search

A free outstanding warrant search is a great service that most states now provide its residents. The search allows you to search and see if someone has an outstanding warrant that is filed with the court. You enter the persons name that you wish to investigate and the web site will tell you whether or not the person has a warrant filed against them.

Protecting yourself and your family is very important because you never know who might have an warrant. The government passed a law call the Freedom of Information Act which made the government divulge information related to public safety to the public. It is important for the government to protect its citizens from people that might be dangerous.

It is important to know if people have warrants filed against them. For instance, when doing a background check on a baby sitter or nanny you need to know who will be watching your children. You can check out the person who applied for the position by visiting a web site that does a free outstanding warrant search.

If while using a free warrant service you discover that someone has an warrant out for their arrest, please do not alert the person in question. People who have avoided correcting their outstanding warrants do not want to be turned in to the proper authorities. This creates a very dangerous situation.

You need to contact the proper authorities in your state and keep the person in question away from your family because they are criminals and can pose serious physical harm to you and your other family members. You should not tell other people outside of your family because if the person finds out that they are going to be turned in to law enforcement officers then they are likely to bolt or disappear and leave the state which is not a good thing.

Law enforcement officers need the help of the public to locate those people who have outstanding warrants filed. Never try to apprehend a person who has an outstanding warrant filed against them.

Hopefully these tips about using a free warrant search will help you keep yourself and your family safe.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Concerns With Family Trusts - End of Relationships and the Start of a Legal Battle

Nothing in this world is perfect, especially with relationships. It is a widely known fact that separation of couples happen in all parts of the world. When the relationship ends, the legal battle begins. Both parties fight for their rights over their children, their properties, their assets, and their Trusts. While this can be a good thing for lawyers as they get to collect fees from these legal battles, this can be a real pain in the neck for the couple who just separated.

There are times when a couple would fight over a Trust that is worth $500,000. The sad thing about this battle is that both parties end up paying up to $100,000 for their lawyer's fee. If you come to think of it, they don't battle over the property, it's just an ego thing and they do it merely because they are hurt. It's a losing battle for both parties and the lawyer end up with a good amount in their pockets.

As an expert in this field, I have two important tips for people in order to avoid the situation that is mentioned earlier. Mind you, this article is not some kind of a relation advice so if you expecting a solution to your personal dilemma, another expert can probably help you with that. My tips are simply to help one avoid risky situations where one ends up in a losing battle over a Trust the moment separation or end of relationship occurs.

Get a legal advice. This is the most obvious and most sensible solution that I can ever give. Before setting up a trust, ask for an expert's opinion. Most of the time, they will require both you and your partner into a property relationship agreement. Remember than prevention is better than cure and what better way to do it than by consulting an expert. Be careful though as there are times that this agreement becomes null, especially if the relationship ends right after the assets have been legally transferred via the Trust.

Having two Trusts is an open secret that everybody knows. The moment you have two Trusts, you have the power to deal with the assets that was your own. You can put personal properties that were your own, like long before the relationship started. You can put family heirlooms and inheritances in your own personal Trust.

The two steps that I mentioned are fairly easy. Remember that an ounce of prevention such as getting an agreement or setting up another Trust is better than paying for the cure which will benefit nobody but your lawyers.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Bankruptcy - Time to Start a New Life

Let's Talk About Options

Ok you just filed for bankruptcy or your thinking about doing it. For those that have already filed for bankruptcy you probably feel ashamed, embarrassed and think your life is over, well its not going to be easy but your life is far from over and its not degrading and you don't have to feel embarrassed because if you think about it your new life has just begun. Today there are plenty of ways to get bankruptcy help and there is still hope to get that good credit rating back, its not going to be easy but with a little discipline and time you can show credit providers that you can bounce back on your feet and your more wiser about borrowing and making payments on time.

For those of you who are thinking about filing a bankruptcy petition sit back and think to yourself is this really going to be the easy road out of debt hell or can I reach out and ask for HELP. To many it is the only option but to some it is just an easy way out of paying bills because they want to enjoy luxuries in life. I'm going to use the phrase "I want to have my cake and eat it to" this is a great way of looking at things because there is an abundance of help out there for people that are struggling to pay their loans or credit cards. Another option is to consolidate your debt and make your payments easier and more affordable so you can have your cake and eat it.

Right here is a few tips for those that have gone bankrupt:

* First open a new bank account and in that account put $5 to $10 every week and do not touch it under any circumstances if you can set it up with your work or social security payments and deduct this amount into that account straight out of your pay. The more you put in this account the better but be realistic.

* Now you have no loans to repay you can focus on your utility bills like energy, phone and rent. Do not miss a payment with these bills, try and borrow from a family member if you have to.

Its all about starting over and building your credit rating back up to scratch. Find a financial advisor for some advice on how to get back on track so you can start borrowing again.

Many people have done it,they played it smart and took peoples advise and now their sitting back in the house of their dreams or driving that flash car they always wanted and you would not even know they had been bankrupt. There is hope you just have to think smart and take advantage of your new financial start in life.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why a Durable Power of Attorney is "Durable" and Why It's Great For Estate Planning

English common law understood that agents were sometimes needed in business and commerce. The president of Ford Motor Company, obviously, cannot be everywhere. He needs agents to conduct business. Also, someone who is on vacation out of the country and cannot sign a contract might appoint an agent to sign that all-important paper.

But under common law, an agent no longer had the ability to act when the principal was incapacitated (the "principal" being the person who confers the power). If the principal had dementia and could not sign an agreement, his agent could not sign either. His agent could have no greater power than the principal.

Now, if you haven't figured this out all ready, we will all feel the effects of aging -- if we are lucky. The symptoms are well known and do not require explanation. One of those symptoms particularly hard to take is the loss of memory; the ability to think as clearly as when we were younger. While this is not always disabling it is during this natural aging process that people often need help. But the English common law helped little if someone was in a coma, or had dementia.

Here Comes the Durable Power of Attorney.

But because helpless people obviously need the assistance of an agent the most, most jurisdictions now recognize a "durable" power of attorney (abbreviated "DPOA"). A DPOA is "durable" because it is in effect even when the "principal" is mentally incapacitated.

While a non-durable power of attorney merely authorizes the agent to act as long as there is no incapacity, a DPOA resolves this problem by allowing a trusted agent, or nominee, to act even if the principal lacks legal capacity -- or in other words when that person cannot legally make decisions on his or her own behalf due to mental disability.

In California, a DPOA must have specific words to be "durable." It must state, as provided in California Probate Code §4124, that: "This power of attorney shall become effective upon the incapacity of the principal", or words to that effect.

Some Benefits of a DPOA

A DPOA has specific benefits; in fact, I would go even further to state that nearly everyone with a formal estate plan should consider having one. Here are some of the benefits:

Often one may avoid an adult conservatorship. A primary benefit of having a DPOA is that it can often substitute for a formal conservatorship, which is often a costly court proceeding requiring continued court supervision.
So if a person is under a disability and has a properly worded DPOA, his or her agent may be able to write checks, manage finances, or to take actions with regard to that person's estate plan (like funding a trust) without specific court supervision.

It can be rapidly effective. A DPOA can be effective immediately, or virtually so, without undergoing lengthy proceedings in Probate Court.

It should be accepted in other states. A valid DPOA should be accepted in other states. California has a specific statute, Probate Code §4053, which specifically recognizes valid DPOAs executed in other states. However, with some states this may not be the case if the document grants a power not authorized in that state. However (and this "however" is big!): The IRS does not make it easy to recognize an attorney prepared power of attorney. There are hurdles set forth in specific Treasury Regulations [See, for instance, Treas. Reg. §601.503] and IRS practice making it difficult for an agent to sign off on tax forms. [IRS Deskguide (Publication 1514)]. However, a California taxpayer with a valid, properly executed power of attorney should not have any problem with the California Franchise Tax Board signing off on a state tax form.

DPOAs are flexible. Specific authorizations, or "powers," can be added or restricted in the governing agreement. The specific provisions are up to the principal.

Of Course, Not All is Perfect...

While very useful, the DPOA is not perfect by any means. One major problem is the possibility of abuse.

While conservatorships are bulky legal proceedings, there is at least court supervision. The DPOA lacks supervision and abuses have occurred, all too often. While conservators must jump through many legal hoops, there is no active court supervision or "hoops" for an agent under a DPOA. For example, California requires that conservators provide a court approved accounting of their financial activities. It also requires that conservators be bonded. But without a specific court order there are no such requirements for a mere agent.

Court proceedings can be filed, but that is often impractical. While court proceedings can be instituted to compel (for instance) the agent to submit an accounting or to revoke the agent's authority, this is done all too infrequently. There is a big difference between a court supervised conservatorship, and filing a petition with the court.

In any event, who is going to file the petition with the court? Remember: The principal is mentally incapacitated! Comatose people generally can't file probate petitions to compel their agents to account!

Sure, there are risks, and they can be addressed somewhat (but not completely) through a well-drafted document and some common sense precautions. A DPOA may not be for everyone. However, everyone should at least consider a DPOA as an element of his or her estate plan. An effectively drafted DPOA can "round out" a comprehensive plan, and fill in the blanks not covered in trusts and wills.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is not legal advice, and the use of it does not create an attorney-client relationship. Any liability that might arise from your use or reliance on this article or any links from this article is expressly disclaimed. This article is not to be acted upon as if it were legal advice, and is subject to change without notice, or may include obsolete or dated information, or information not relevant to your jurisdiction. If you require legal services, you should consult with an attorney.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Finding a Reliable Process Server for Court Documents

You may think that it would not be too hard to find a process server when you need your legal documents served. You just need somebody to take a piece of paper to another person, right? Anybody can do that.

On the surface, that sounds all right. But when you look closer, you realize that if you don't get the right person to serve your court documents, it will end up costing you and your clients a whole lot more time and money.

The unfortunate truth

In Oklahoma, only about 25 percent of process servers do the work full-time. The other 75 percent are serving people on nights and weekends. That doesn't work, mostly because not everybody can be reached on nights and weekends only. And if you need a quick update or status report, you don't want to have to wait until after 5 p.m. to get the information you need at 10 a.m.

Some process servers may not return phone calls, or they don't let the client know soon enough that they were unable to serve the papers. If that happens, then the client, lawyer and judge all show up in court, only to find out the "other party" has not been served. It's a waste of everybody's time and the client's money, all because a process server didn't do their job.

Choosing a process server isn't as easy as grabbing somebody and asking them to deliver the court documents for you. If you want to get the most for your money, here are a few tips for finding a good process server.

Make sure they're licensed

In the state of Oklahoma alone, only 10 percent of process servers are members of a national organization. Look for a process server who's a member of a national association. Most national associations have strict policies for becoming member, which may include two years of experience and three recommendations from lawyers, judges and other professional process servers who are already members. They have bylaws that members must follow, as well as rules of ethical conduct.

Make sure they can do skip tracing

You may have an old address for the person you're trying to serve, or maybe they're in hiding to avoid getting their papers. Whatever the case, if your process server can't do skip tracing, they can't track down the person you need them to serve.

If they can do skip tracing, then they have a much broader ability and better resources to find the person you need and ensure the court documents are served in a timely manner.

Make sure they go the extra mile

Some process servers might give you a handwritten note about their progress. Others may not even get in touch with you after you initially contact them to serve the court documents.

Look for a process server who will update you on a regular basis with easily documented emails that detail when and were the papers were served, and to whom. It's even better if a process server has a database where you can track the status of the cases you've hired them for. That way, you'll always know exactly where your case stands.

Make sure they're up front

You don't want a process server that's a one-man operation, or one who hides extra costs in their initial pricing. They may say they can serve the papers for $35-$40, but when you get the bill, there's an extra $40 or $50 tacked on for gas and mileage.

Find somebody who works with a team and who lets you know up front what the cost includes. That way you'll know if you're getting what you pay for, and there won't be any nasty surprises when the bill comes.

It is possible to find an honest, ethical process server to deliver the documents you need. Just do your research first and make sure that you're getting a professional. That way, you won't waste your time or your money.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Basics of Strict Liability

Strict liability is a type of tort law that makes a party liable for any and all damages resulting from their actions or product. In strict liability cases, the claimant does not have to establish fault or negligence.

Inherently Dangerous Activities

Strict liability applies to all activities that are inherently dangerous, such as building demolition, wild animal keeping, or transporting radioactive materials. Because all of these activities have a certain amount of risk involved, despite the numerous safety precautions heeded, strict liability applies. If a person is injured while performing an inherently dangerous activity, their employer is automatically liable for any damages they sustain.

For example, if an animal handler was feeding a lion, and the lion escaped its cage and attacked the handler, he or she would be eligible to receive compensation for their losses. Regardless of how many safety precautions the handler took while feeding, the nature of the job is dangerous; therefore, strict liability applies, and the employer is liable for the handler's injuries.

Product Liability

The other area in which strict liability applies is in the chain of commerce. If a product causes unforeseeable harm to a consumer, the manufacturer and distributor may be liable for damages. However, if a product is accompanied by a warning of potential injury, the manufacturer is free of liability. This is the reason why many products come with stickers that warn against obvious hazards, because it protects them from millions of potential law suits.

Many children's toys are accompanied by a "choking hazard" warning sticker that states the recommended age group appropriate for the toy. While these warnings undoubtedly save manufacturers from millions of lawsuits, occasionally a toy slips onto the market without adequate warnings.

For example, recently a children's floor hockey set was recalled from the market because it contained lead paint. Any child that suffered injury from exposure to lead paint can sue the toy manufacturer for compensation. Product recalls happen very frequently. Some of the most common reasons that toys may be recalled from the market include:

• Choking and aspiration hazard
• Violation of lead paint standard
• Fire hazard
• Violation of lead paint and phthalate limits
• Burn hazard
• Puncture and laceration hazard
• Fall hazard
• Explosion and projectile hazard

As you can see, when designing a product for children, all safety measures must be considered by manufacturers. If a dangerous product gets approved, not only does it have the potential to harm kids, but it can also be financially devastating for the manufacturing company.

For more information about strict liability, or for legal assistance with filing a personal injury claim, contact the Oklahoma personal injury attorneys at the Abel Law Firm today.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Why Legal Remodeling Can Be Expensive

Have you ever heard a realtor refer to a house as a "tear down"? Tear downs are typically old, small, and often run-down houses on nice lots. For the typical tear down, the cost of remodeling and expanding the old house, replacing the leaky roof, replacing the inefficient furnace, adding air conditioning, and renovating the 1950s-era kitchen and single bathroom are just not worth it. Instead, it just makes more sense to bulldoze the old place and build a completely new house to the buyer's specifications.

Clients bring me projects all the time that will either require legal remodeling or a tear down. Here is a typical scenario: The client begins discussion of a business transaction with another company. The client chooses not to involve a lawyer until after the business deal is struck. The client has often been presented with a draft contract from the other side. The client may already have gone back to the other side with the client's own revisions. Finally, it dawns on the client that this is a serious transaction and that the document should be reviewed by a lawyer. That is when they call.

When the client emails me the contract or brings it by the office, the client will often say: "I think we have this one pretty much done. I just want to make sure it is generally OK and there are no legal landmines in it. Just take a quick look and get back to me."

A quick look usually determines that the document is an unmitigated disaster. If the document has been prepared by the other side's legal counsel, every term will be skewed to the other party's benefit. If the document is "home made," or written by a person with no legal training (whether by the client or someone with the other party), it will almost always be a mishmash of undefined terms, incomplete thoughts, and key omissions. I have literally seen supposed sales contracts that omit what the seller is to sell and the buyer is to buy.

There has been more than one occasion when, after reviewing one of these Frankenstein's monsters, I have had to ask the client to begin at the beginning and tell me as simply as possible what the business transaction is supposed to be. More often, however, I have to tell the client that the document is a disaster and that the preferred approach would be a legal tear down: Trash the document and start on a clean sheet of paper.

Unfortunately, many clients seem unwilling to take this advice. If the document was prepared by the other side, they are concerned that submitting a new document will be perceived as an insult or will derail completing the deal. If the client prepared the document, they seem to take an ownership interest in defending the document - "Well, I don't think it's nearly as bad as you say" - rather than getting it right.

And so the legal remodeling process begins, often with the instruction to make "the minimum changes necessary changes for it to be acceptable." There are a number of expressions that apply here. One of my late mother's favorites was "you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear." Although we do the best we can under the circumstances, the result is usually just what the client ordered: Minimally acceptable, but far from optimal.

In addition to ending up with a less than optimal document, legal remodeling usually costs just as much, if not more than a tear down. Starting on a clean sheet of paper almost always results in a better result.

Although a tear down is usually preferable to legal remodeling, it is still not optimal. In the scenario set forth in this post, the tear down still occurs after the client and the other party have cut the basic business deal. Business lawyers are used optimally when they are involved early in the process, and certainly before the key terms are struck. Lawyers can provide valuable input on how the transaction might best be structured. Lawyers can also identify key terms and conditions that should be included to protect the client's interests. Lawyers can also advise the client on whether terms proposed by the other side are carry unanticipated risks.

Again, the irony is that involving a lawyer from the beginning and doing the transaction correctly will probably be no more expensive than either a last minute tear down or a remodeling project. All of this simply reinforces the universal rule that it is almost always more efficient and less expensive to involve a lawyer earlier in the process than later.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tips For Selecting a Criminal Lawyer

San Antonio criminal defense lawyers are available to provide legal representation services, but how do you know which one is the best choice for your particular situation? The Internet has made the process of selecting the attorney that best meets your needs much easier.

After you have narrowed what legal field you need services from, you should compile a list of lawyers that specifically mention providing the representation you seek on their website. For example, if you have a DWI charge you will want to search for attorneys that stress DWI defense on their homepage. Another key factor in your decision making should be experience. You will definitely want to read the lawyer's bio to see how many years they have been working in criminal law. If you do not see any experience in numerical terms, the attorney might be relatively new to practicing law. If you are not sure, and would still like to find out more about the lawyer, call and ask for more information. Moreover, experience as a former prosecutor is invaluable in terms of helping attorneys understanding both sides of the litigation process and thus being even better prepared for what argument the prosecution will make given the charges at hand.

Another tip for choosing an attorney is to read closely at their advertised availability. Some San Antonio criminal attorneys can be reached 24 hours a day which is especially helpful to those that have been arrested or charged late at night. It is helpful to read any lawyer reviews. If you search for a San Antonio criminal attorney you can usually find some sort of critique either on Google's new map location feature or traditional search. One last tip is to meet with the lawyer and see if you feel comfortable with his or her demeanor and credentials towards your current case. Fortunately, San Antonio is home to many upstanding lawyers who will vigorously defend your rights and interests. Still, you do need to put in some research to decide whether the South Texas lawyer you choose has the qualifications to provide excellent representation against your charges.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Child Status Protection Act (CSPA)

The Child Status Protection Act brings long over due relief to children that are excluded from immigrating with their families due to age.

The Child Status Protection Act, often called CSPA, became effective on August 6, 2002 and benefits those children that become 21 year old adults after August 6, 2002. It may also benefit a child that ages out prior to August 6, 2002 where a petition is pending on August 6, 2002 or the petition was approved and an adjustment application was filed on or before August 6, 2002 where no final determination has been made prior to August 6, 2002.

United States immigration laws treat children differently than sons and daughters. Children are defined as being under 21 years of age and unmarried. Son and daughters are either married or are over 21 years of age. Prior to passage of CSPA upon reaching age 21 the child becomes either a son or a daughter and is said to have "aged out" of the immigration benefits of a child. Under CSPA an immediate relative child, a child petitioned for by a U.S. citizen parent, has his age "frozen" for petition purposes as of the date of the properly filed parent's petition. Where the petitioning parent is a Lawful Permanent Resident who becomes a citizen during the process the age of the child is "frozen" as of the date of the parent's naturalization.

If the beneficiary is married and gets a divorce prior to age 21 the age, for this purpose, is "frozen" as of the date of the divorce.

In all cases the marriage or remarriage of the beneficiary ends their status as a "child."

Direct beneficiaries of family based preference petitions are beneficiaries for whom the petition was filed. They are often referred to as the principal beneficiary as contrasted with derivative beneficiaries. Family based preference petitions are those petitions for children other than an immediate relative, typically the family based 2A classification for children of a lawful permanent resident. The age of this beneficiary is not set by the date of the filing of the petition but upon the date that a visa number becomes available for the beneficiary less the number of days the petition was pending. Adjustment of status to a lawful admitted immigrant or an immigrant visa must be applied for within one year of the visa's availability.

Derivative beneficiaries are those children of preference family or employment based immigration visas. Examples are the children that are accompanying or following to join their immigrating or adjusting parents. The rules for determining the age of these children is the same as for family based preference petitions. The age of this derivative beneficiary is not set by the date of the filing of the petition as is the case for "immediate relative" but upon the date that a visa number becomes available for the beneficiary less the number of days the petition was pending. Adjustment of Status or immigrant visas must be applied for within one year of the visa's availability.

The term "adjustment of status" refers to changing a person's immigration status while in the United States. "Immigration" refers to completing the process at a consulate prior to entry into the United States from abroad.

The "Immediate relatives of U.S. citizens" or often simply "immediate relatives" are the immigration or adjustment of status of persons based upon the relationships of parent, spouse or child of a U.S. Citizen. Immediate relative do not include immigration benefits for the "derivative" spouses and children. Under the preference system spouses and children are given benefits to accompany the principal applicant or to follow to join.

The preference system is a complex system of numerical limitations for the immigration of persons to the United States. The numeric system preference system is always over subscribed and a waiting list is published by the United States Department of States monthly on their web site at where there are also short definitions of the preference system.

When the son or daughter of the lawful permanent resident has a petition as a Family Based 2B pending and the petitioning parent naturalizes there is an automatic conversion to Family Based 1st preference. Any beneficiary having a petition at the United States Citizenship or Immigration Services (USCIS) or an American consulate may now request (in writing) that the conversion not occur.

Where there is a fear of the impending "aging out" for a child that does not qualify for CSPA there has usually been a procedure to expedite the adjudication.

CSPA does not apply to nonimmigrant visa applicants, NACARA/HRIFA applicants, Amerasians, Family Unity applicants and Special Immigrant Juveniles.

This is not intended to be a legal opinion nor does it take the place of competent legal representation by a licensed attorney fully aware of the individual nature and elements of each situation.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Advice For a Broken Heart

Your significant other just told you your relationship is over. Or, you found out your spouse cheated on you. You didn't expect it coming and you feel broken inside. What do you do?

When you suffer the loss of a relationship, it can be very similar to a death. You need to grieve and go through the stages of grief. Everyone goes through these stages in different ways and it takes varying amounts of time. Give yourself the space and time you need to get to a better place. Here are some signs to look for and some tips to get through this difficult time.

1. Shock and denial. You just can't believe it! You di't expect it or, if you knew there was trouble, you didn't think it was that bad. Your first reaction might be to refuse to believe it or you might just be numb and don't know how to react. Either way, you need to let it sink in. Ask questions or get answers if you need to but make sure that you take some time alone to think and reflect. This will allow you to adjust to your new reality and may prevent you from taking actions you may later regret.

2. Anger or bargaining. Everyone will get to this stage at different times but you WILL get there. It is ok to feel anger -sometimes you will deserve to feel anger! The question is, though, what are you going to do about it? Someone once told me that you cannot help your emotions but you can help what you do about them. My advice is to step back and think things through. If there is any chance of saving your relationship, the worst thing you can do is to take negative actions. Do not text or call the other person 100 times a day. Do not follow them, stalk them or harm them or their property in any way. Not only is this not helpful to your mental health but it can be a crime. Do not beg them, throw yourselves at them or bargain for a future together. This only turns people off and does not make you feel good about yourself.

3. Retrospection and constructive actions. Some people get this, some people don't. It is now time to think about how and why this happened. Sometimes, it is completely no fault of your own. If that is true, you are better off without that person. However, this is often not true. Take a deep look at yourself and your relationship. If you now can see how you contributed to this break-up, you need to acknowledge that to both yourself and your significant other. Be willing to change and address the problems - even if it means getting professional help. This is often the first step in saving your relationship. However, even if it is too late for that, you need to do this for yourself, your family and your future relationships. Patterns tend to repeat themselves and, if you don't want to suffer a broken heart over and over, you may need to accept that you need to change.

4. Depression or loneliness. If your relationship is over no matter what you do, you will be sad. You will feel depression and loneliness. That's ok but recognize it for what it is. Indulge yourself for a while - eat your chocolate double-fudge ice cream or have a few drinks. However, if it goes on too long and you just can't seem to get past it, talk about it with friends or family. They often have good advice. If that doesn't work, get some counseling. You need to.

5. Move forward. Life does go on and things will get better. You cannot let this permanently affect you or steer you onto the wrong path. Get out there - hang out with your friends, be social, join some clubs or go out.

Remember - one person should have so much power over you and your happiness should not be so dependent on another individual. Trust me - you will eventually feel better. How much and how long it takes will be entirely up to you.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Guide to Oklahoma Workers Compensation Benefits

If you have been injured on the job, you likely understand that there is a long list of requirements through which you must pass in order to secure the financial benefits you need to properly recover and hopefully return to work. Workers' compensation law in Oklahoma, like every other jurisdiction, can be quite complicated in nature. If you are having problems obtaining benefits, you should not attempt to handle the situation by yourself. Contact a workers' compensation attorney to review your case.

In the meantime, below are some basic considerations that are always relevant when it comes to workers' compensation claims and issues.

Intent behind Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Laws

Although it may come as a surprise to many, the intent behind workers' compensation laws in Oklahoma is to protect both the worker and the employer. Clearly, the laws in place protect the worker by way of providing for clear and nearly immediate benefits in some cases that allow the injured worker to get the health care he or she needs and to make sure that basic bills are paid.

These laws also protect the employer in several ways. Basically, these laws serve as a shield from most litigation against employees. The reasons are that the amount in benefits that an injured worker receives is pre-set by the Oklahoma statutes and that the employer will generally already have funds available for the worker given the company's contributions to the workers' compensation insurance fund.

Those Covered

The workers' compensation laws in Oklahoma cover all employees with very few exceptions. The only well-known exception for employers is a company that has 5 or fewer employees, all of whom are directly related to the employer. Otherwise, workers can rest assured that if they are injured on the job, there will be remedies and help available to them.

Generally, the Oklahoma Commissioner of Labor has the authority to oversee the workers' compensation program and claims and also to enforce the law and penalties should violations occur. In 1986, the state legislature enacted a law that provided the Commissioner of Labor the discretion to levy civil penalty fines of up to $10,000, and to file criminal charges with the District Attorney in cases of willful violation of the workers compensation laws.

Your Next Step
As you see, much of what happens when a worker is injured on the job is governed directly by state law. However, that does not mean that you should not seek immediate help from an Oklahoma workers' compensation attorney if you are having problems obtaining the benefits you deserve. Contact an attorney today if you need help enforcing your rights under Oklahoma law.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Corporate Kit Estate Binders

Corporate kit estate binders help to keep everything in one place. Corporate binders usually have important material related to a public or private company, which includes a minute book, share certificate, common seal, stock ledgers, etc. All of these things are kept in a well-built, turned-edge, D-ring minute book binder engraved with the company name. This is a corporate kit binder.

You can maintain your estate planning records with these attractive and functional estate planning kits. Normally, the estate plan binders are stamped with the name of the estate plan or trust. These kits provide ample storage room and index tabs for the organization of your wills, trusts and other estate planning documents and forms. A binder keeps these records in one convenient, organized, and professional unit.

There are different estate binders available on the market, and all available in different colors. The three-ring binder format holds copies of loose papers. It contains a client's customized estate plan and gives explanations of all estate planning documents and information. It is also able to maintain the trust letters and documents given by the law office in the binder. All the files which are needed to keep a business in order are hold in corporate binder.

A corporate binder provides a professional place to file and store the documents and paperwork required to be in fulfillment with business entity laws and regulations. Corporate binders are the most economical way to present an organized and portable source of information. They come in a price range of around $20-$30.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Compensation For Personal Injury - How to Get Free Legal Advice

Personal injury claims are big business these days. You can hardly turn on the television without an advert for someone offering to sue anyone you want for almost anything they have done. OK that's an exaggeration but it seems that everyone is offering legal advice for free. Why is this? And if you have been the genuine and unfortunate victim of an accident or injury where someone else is at fault should you really be seeking compensation?

There are a number of moral dilemmas that face any potential claimant. Let's take an example of medical negligence. Say you have received some poor medical treatment which left you ill and unable to work for a period of time. You instruct a lawyer to sue the hospital. The hospital has to deal with your claim, pass it onto its insurance company who try and reach a settlement and then increase the insurance premium to the hospital because it now considers it to be a bigger risk. The hospital then has less money to spend on patient care and so struggles to avoid a repeat of the problem. Is it right that you should put them in this position?

It's easy for people who have not been affected by injury to moralise about these sorts of decisions. However, if you were the person who had been hit by a reckless car driver or injured at work by a negligent employer who did not comply with health and safety legislation or left in pain by a negligent doctor or dentist so that you are unable to work and start losing money, then what are you supposed to do? The law exists to deter people from failing to perform their contractual or legal obligations to a reasonable standard. If they fail to do so then they may be considered to have acted negligently. Unfortunately if you are left unable to work due to the fact that someone just rammed into the back of your car because they were talking on their mobile phone then the police are not going to award you a large sum in compensation. A magistrates court might award you a small token sum, but chances are, it isn't going to pay your mortgage. Therefore the only thing you can do is to get free legal advice and pursue a claim if you have been injured or hurt by someone else.

Another way to look at it is to consider the fact that all employers and public authorities and even car drivers are covered by insurance which exists to protect any victims of the person or company covered. Therefore by claiming compensation you are normally dealing with an insurance company. This can still impact on the defendant whose insurance premiums might go up, but the chances are that this is likely to be less of an impact than their negligence has had on you both financially and mentally.

So, can you really get free legal advice? Well, the answer is yes. There are many firms keen to take on personal injury claims. The reason for this is that genuine claims have a very high success rate which means that it is relatively easy to recover compensation via legal means. The vast majority of claims will never go to court because an insurance company will simply weight up the evidence presented by the claimant and if it looks clear that their client was at fault, it will be far cheaper to settle before reaching court. Most free legal advice solicitors will also insist that the insurance company covers their legal costs, i.e. their fee. Some will also offer a no win no fee agreement whereby you are required to take out an insurance policy against losing the case. if you do so, the policy covers your costs. However, if you win, then everyone is happy.

So, in summary, if you have been injured but to someone elses negligence or carelessness, subjected to an industrial disease or left incapacitated by medical negligence then the only person who can recover any sort of justice for you is yourself. Nobody is going to knock on your door offering you financial help for your mortgage and kids clothing. You have to make the move. What you must do when you contact a lawyer offering free legal advice is ensure that you understand completely how the money side of things is going to work. In other words, ensure that if your case is unsuccessful you are not out of pocket. It is really up to the solicitor to make sure that your claim doesn't go ahead unless you have a pretty good chance of success.

At the end of the day, if you are given compensation either by a judge or by an out of court settlement then this is vindication of your actions. You have been found to have been wronged and the compensation is there to put it right. That's justice so don't be put off pursuing it. Just make sure that your claim is genuine and that you have evidence to support it. If you are ever the victim of an accident or injury where you suspect someone else is to blame, always seek medical treatment immediately because that will later form evidence to support your version of events. I.e. the medical notes will record when you came in and what for and this can be critical when claiming damages later.

I hope you never have to seek compensation for personal injury but if you do, there are plenty of lawyers who really will give you legal advice for free and who will take on your case for no upfront cost to you, either claiming their fee from the other side, or taking a slice of your payout. Just make sure you understand the terms and conditions before you sign up and if you are not happy with the deal your free lawyer is offering you, go elsewhere because there is a lot of competition in this area.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Resolve Conflicts Before Bed For a Healthy Relationship or Marriage

We all hate conflicts. For the most part, knowing your partner is angry with you or being involved in a conflict period makes people moody, depressed, angry, and in sad cases...suicidal. It should NEVER come to that. Most arguments or conflicts are fixable. It's ironic something as beautiful as a relationship that can takes months and years to build and can take only moments to crumble. Our minds, egos, pride, and more are all very fragile.

This is why its very important to truly understand your partner and when conflicts arise knowing the best approach to squash them asap. Severity of the conflict will always determine the possibility to squash them quickly.

Forgot to do the dishes? Chances are, even if an argument ensues, your ability to fix it by the end of the night is a high probability. Cheated on your partner? Chances are this conflict will not be resolved by the end of the night or probably end of the week.

Recommendations to resolve a conflict

As the title of this article states, the goal should be to resolve a conflict by the time your head hits the pillow at the end of the night. Overall, it is much healthier for your relationship and yourself personally to end conflicts quickly versus letting them draw out. The longer a conflict exists, the greater the toll is on your mind and body. It will affect your sleep, affect your mood, your relationship with other people, and certainly your relationship with your partner. Therefore, the following points are recommended when dealing with a conflict:

LISTEN to your partner. Hear their side of it, even if you think they are dead wrong from start to finish. Give them the opportunity to get their point across. It is a horrible feeling when you need to get a thought off your chest or mind, and the opportunity to do so is squashed.

Choose softer or less harsh phrases. So many things are said during arguments that you want to take immediately back, or you regret at a later date because you didn't mean it, or it came out wrong. Spend the few seconds after hearing your partner to think of your response and determine the best choice of words to use. Stay away from words like "hate", cuss words, violent phrases. Try and set your body position to reflex your phrases. Don't get into a defensive position. Don't cross your arms as this appears to be a blocker.

Be Quite. - If you can't say anything constructive to the situation, sometimes it's ok to just be quiet. I have personally just kept my mouth shut if I feel it does no good to speak. Either the moment is TOO heated and being quiet will help calm it down quicker, or you simply have nothing good to say so your best approach is to stay mute.

Say Goodnight - Even if you are both angry at the end of the night, and the conflict won't get resolved...still kiss your partner goodnight and tell them you love them, appreciate them, or whatever you know in your heart is a nice thing to say. For me, even if my wife is no longer talking to me at the end of the night, I make it a point to give her a kiss, tell her good night and that I love her. Sometimes I get a snippy response back, sometimes I get a reciprocated "I love you" back. More times then not, we end up saying we are sorry for the fight and end the day at least on what feels like a balanced position.

Peoples emotions get the best of them, and I am willing to bet many relationships end simply because the two people don't know how to properly communicate, or they tend to hold onto their conflicts for extended periods of time.

Focus on doing EVERYTHING you can to resolve the conflict by the time your head hits the pillow.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Increase Your Oklahoma Car Wreck Settlement

Oklahoma Car Accident Victims - Why You Need an Attorney

If you or someone you love has been involved in a car accident, you unfortunately have a lot to deal with on your road to recovery in every way. As is the case with many car accidents, you are probably dealing with physical injuries, emotional trauma, pain and suffering and you face a mounting pile of bills. These bills can be related to your medical care, even if you have insurance coverage and to your automobile, as we are a society that needs our cars to get around, which needs that it either needs to be repaired or replaced.

When faced with this situation, the last thing you should do is attempt to handle it yourself. There are many reasons for this reality which will be discussed below, but the bottom line is that if you or someone you love has suffered through this experience, you need the help of an experienced Oklahoma car accident attorney to make sure that your rights are enforced properly.

Below are a few reasons why you need an attorney to help you through the aftermath of an auto accident:

Reason One - Knowledge

An auto accident attorney who has handled several of these cases will have a full understanding of the law that applies to this situation, to the evidence that may or may not be admissible if the matter must go to trial, and how to deal with the opposite party. Many times, understanding the power of the evidence that will work in your favor can be a factor in coming to a settlement, but only if the other party understands that you have someone working with you who knows this as well.

Reason Two - Negotiating Skill

Before an auto accident case goes to trial, there is almost always a period where the two parties negotiate a settlement to the matter. However, again, you should not attempt to handle this situation yourself, as the other party's insurance company will doubtlessly employ a team of defense attorney whose mission is simply to limit the amount of liability and pay-out that their client will incur.

Therefore, you need an Oklahoma injury lawyer who will be able to cut through the red tape that's often in place because of the defense attorneys, and he or she will also be able to pierce through the unfortunate 'runaround' that is part of many defense positions. Simply put, an auto accident attorney will likely be able to move towards a solution in a shorter amount of time and also able to negotiate a settlement amount that's fair for you.

Your Next Step

Finally, as you see, you basically have two choices when you've been victimized by an auto accident - attempt to handle the matter yourself and be forced to learn an entirely new language known as 'legalese' or retain an auto accident attorney who already has years of training and experience in this regard to handle this situation for you. The defendants will also understand this difference, which is why you need to contact an auto accident attorney as soon as possible to get the process of evaluating and enforcing your rights started.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Executive Hot Careers For the Future - 3 Most Promising Growth Areas

If you're an executive wannable and you're looking around for the executive hot careers of the 21st Century, then you'll want to explore three of the most promising areas of growth. Now, maybe you're saying, "I don't have any experience in these areas. So how can I find a job there?"

Well, that might make sense if you're using old-fashioned job search techniques that were terrific in the last century. But if you understand that today's employers are much more interested in what are called your "transferable skills" then you'll see how the doors are open to al lot more opportunities than you may have thought.

Very simply, your transferable skills are those capabilities, personal assets, strengths and experiences that transcend your work history. They describe the critical qualities of your performance that are so attractive to employers.

For example, your leadership skills, or your motivational expertise . . . or your experience of other cultures or your ability to manage business downturns as well as upswings . . . these and the dozen other transferable skills you possess give you an extraordinary portfolio that work with any of the executive hot careers. It will be very attractive to employers--provided you're willing and able to market yourself skillfully.

So, what are these executive hot careers that show the most promising growth for the foreseeable future (as reported in Parade Magazine)?

1. Information Technology. We live in an economy that relies technology professionals who can design, develop and maintain computer systems. For example, CIO's are commanding salaries in the 200-300K range. And even systems analysts are making more than 91K

2. Law. Lawyers are in high demand un areas including intellectual property, corporate law and litigation. First year attorneys are starting out in the range of 73K to $140K depending on the size of the firm. Legal support workers are finding jobs plentiful and salaries healthy, too. For example, legal librarians make as much as $70K while calendar clerks can make up to $47K

3. Internet. The rapid growth of the internet is fertile ground for executive hot careers. There's a boom in online media jobs. A creative director, responsible for website content and presentation can attract a salary in the $80K to $120K range. On the business side, advertising salespeople are earning up to $103K.

OK. These executive hot careers may not be for everybody. But hopefully you'll understand that where there's this kind of explosive growth in these executive hot careers there are opportunities. That means if you can look past he rigid job qualifications and see where your transferable skills will be attractive, you can open up a whole new range of opportunities.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Car Accident - Is it Time to Hire a Lawyer?

Everyday, millions of people in the United States get into their cars to go to work and trust that other drivers on the road are abiding by all of the applicable laws of their state. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of Americans get into car wrecks and are injured every year due to the negligence of others. If you have been injured in a car accident, you have to make the decision on whether or not you will need to get a lawyer. The simple answer to this questions is Yes. You should get a lawyer to represent your best interest, which is compensating you for your injuries and your loss.

First of all, keep in mind that auto accident injury cases are one of the most common types of personal injury claims in Oklahoma. Both the driver and passengers of an accident can be entitled to compensation. If you are like most of the victims in Oklahoma, you have never dealt with a car accident injury claim and may not be sure how to handle the situation. Oklahoma injury lawyers have experience handling accident claims. They deal with insurance companies every day negotiating claims against uninsured drivers, claims for serious injuries (including medical expenses) and for loss of income.

Most lawyers will tell you not to even talk to the insurance company. Insurance companies are looking out for their best interest, not yours. They want to get your claim taken care of as soon as possible and they will do their best to pay you as little as possible. Their end of the year profits rely on low paid claims. Oklahoma injury lawyers work the complete opposite end of the spectrum. At the end of the accident case, they only get paid if you get paid. Because of this, they will work diligently to stand up for your rights and the compensation you deserve.

If you have been in a car accident in Oklahoma, it is time to hire a lawyer to represent your best interest. At the end of the day, they only get paid if you get paid.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How to Pass the LEED Exam

Are you a building professional who wants to ride the increasingly large sustainability wave? Well becoming a LEED Accredited Professional is a lot easier than you think! Passing the LEED exam will make your self look that much better, not only on paper, but also in practical terms.

Ever since the United States Green Building Council appeared, people have been becoming more and more serious about building green. The USGBC created a rating system to help set industry standard levels of green building. Green buildings are appearing everywhere. Many owners know the benefits of building green and require that the architects achieve certain LEED ratings. Some counties and cities are requiring that all buildings over a certain size threshold be LEED certified. Many public projects are also incorporating LEED into their buildings.

There is no question that if you want to survive in this industry, you are going to have to go green. With energy prices on the rise, fossil fuels becoming more and more scarce, and the earth's natural resources being slowly finished off, you better go green or go home. This world won't be able to sustain itself unless there is a huge push to go green.

The LEED Rating system might be a little overwhelming at first glance, but once you start digging into it, you realize it is not as difficult as you had imagined. I passed the LEED exam over a year ago, and I didn't really start studying until one week prior to the exam. When I started studying, I didn't think I would stand a chance. There were so many credits and just so much to learn about every single one that I didn't think it would be possible to retain enough information to pass. After spending a lot of time in a panicked state of overwhelm, I organized my studying approach, and was able to pass the test without breaking a sweat.

The first thing that you do when you start studying, is obviously begin by reading the LEED manual. I tried to start by the darn thing page by page. That really didn't work. After reading a few credits, I was so overloaded with information, I figured the test would be impossible. I decided to change my approach. I went ahead and tried to memorize all of the 50+ credits. The only thing I needed to memorize was what the goal of the credit was, and if not that, at least the name. The intent of the credits are pretty straight forward; they make logical sense and you can understand what the point of the credit is without having to think too much. In no time, I was able to list every single credit from memory. It helps to break them down into the six sections (sustainable sites, water efficiency, etc).

Once you lay the foundation down, it is time to dig into each credit. A lot of the time, there is more info than you need to know in the reference manual. Just try to get a good understanding of how each credit works. You will notice that each credit is explained in a similar way (intent, approach, references, calculations, etc). It really helped me to set up a spreadsheet summarizing everything about each credit. I chose a small font, printed mine out on a few sheets of paper and carried it everywhere I went.

When you get into the exam room, you are given a few sheets of paper and put in front of a computer. You get two hours from the time you click "ok" on the computer. Before I touched the computer, I went ahead and wrote down all the credits on my scratch paper. Even though I already memorized them, I referenced this sheet a whole lot during the exam.

Go through and choose the best answers to each question. Your gut instinct is usually right, so go with your first intuition. Make sure to skip any questions you are unsure of; there is a feature on the computer that allows you to go over any skipped or flagged questions. Use the entire two hours, and submit just before the deadline. You will find out if you passed or not about 20 seconds after you submit!

Best of luck on your LEED Exam!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Should You Tell If the Neighbours Are From Hell?

Despite the most serious downturn in the housing market in living memory, 360,000 households still upped sticks and moved last year - all because of their neighbours.

Indeed, an inability to get along with the folks next door accounted for 10 per cent of all house moves, according to a survey by Halifax Insurance.

Also according to Halifax Insurance, one in three neighbours have - or have had - a dispute of some sort and the latest figures are up by a third in the last two years.

Tellingly, four fifths of those who sold up for this reason did not inform their buyers, or their agents, despite this often being a legal requirement. This brings sharply into focus the responsibilities implicit on people who decide to put their homes on the market because they can't get along with the people through the wall.

Lawyers in Edinburgh and Glasgow work to a deed of 'Standard Conditions' in relation to house sales. One of its clauses, referring to title disputes, says that when a house is offered for sale there should not be "current disputes with neighbouring proprietors or occupiers or any other parties relating to access, title or common property."

At one time this clause also applied to historical as well as current disputes but that reference has now been erased. Clearly, however, vendors are still required to inform potential buyers of any dispute with either neighbours, or people who live further down the road, relating to the property itself or - probably more commonly - the front and back grounds. This might include disputes over: pedestrian access to a property, or vehicular access to an adjacent garage; boundary issues; and overgrown plants and trees (leylandii has become such a problem that it has led to the setting up of an 'action group' of aggrieved homeowners).

One can understand the temptation to 'keep mum' about such things, especially in a market as slow as the one we have today. However, if a title dispute is concealed, the buyer could then have the opportunity to sue the seller under the Property Misdescriptions Act. Not many aggrieved buyers are likely to go that far; however where the seller really runs a risk is the buyer learning of the dispute before completion of missives - and pulling out of the sale altogether as a result.

Disputes over title (e.g. garden walls, blocked access, etc) took second place in the Halifax survey to aggressive behaviour and excessive noise, which were the two main reasons for homeowners moving out.

In this case buyers are on less firm ground for recompense if they believe a vendor did not mention (or lied about) the existence of other householders in the vicinity who had a penchant for late night parties, blaring portable radios or carrying out DIY jobs at midnight.

If someone has a real worry about moving in beside 'neighbours from hell' they could ask their lawyer to make an offer for a house provisional on the understanding that other householders in the vicinity share common values and respect one another's space, peace and quiet. Unfortunately I do not see such a clause being acceptable to most house sellers.

The problem with judging noise from neighbours is one of degree. OK, so there are some hopelessly anti-social elements out there whose behaviour is beyond the pale in anyone's language - and who, according to Halifax Insurance, can knock up to £30,000 off the value of a property. But in a lot of cases noise and disturbance are subjective - what might lead one household to suffer a joint nervous breakdown could be simply smiled off by another. Also, another common reason for neighbour disputes has nothing to do with title or disturbance; it's simply that the two people on either side of the garden fence cannot stand the sight of one another.

In reality, one practical way of increasing the chance that your next move is to a sufficiently peaceful location is to go along there around 11pm on several Friday or Saturday nights and gauge the nature of the environment. If the neighbourhood is relatively quiet at that time then is likely to also be so for the rest of the week!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Estate Planning - Living Trusts - Post Mortem Administration

Initial Considerations

The Trustee is obligated to administer the trust assets in accordance with the terms of the written trust documents. You should obtain a copy of the trust documents, including any amendments, and study them carefully.

You should identify exactly who is the trustee of the Living Trust. It is the prerogative of the person named as trustee to accept or reject the nomination. If he accepts, the Trustee should certify this by signing certificates before a public notary. See the forms posted below. Copies may then be provided to any party needing proof of the trustee's authority.

If it becomes necessary to admit the decedent's will to probate, confirm that it nominates you as the first choice to serve as personal representative (i.e. executor). It is common in estate planning to name the same person as trustee and personal representative. Of course, there will be no personal representative if there is no need for probate.

Overview of Trustee Responsibilities

Under the terms of the trust, generally the trustee is to: 1) account for trust property, 2) ensure the payment of the debts and taxes of the decedent's estate, and 3) separate and administer the assets of the trust in accordance with the terms of the trust. Most trusts provide for compensation for services rendered as trustee, unless you voluntarily waive such compensation. Such compensation is paid from the assets of the trust. If you are the sole beneficiary of the trust, you should waive any compensation for serving as trustee.

You should identify what is held by the trust. The assets of the trust consist of only those assets which either (i) were transferred to the trust before the decedent's death, or (ii) go through probate after decedent's death. Any assets in the decedent's name alone, or which were otherwise left out of the trust, may pass into the trust only by going through probate. There are some exceptions to this, such as life insurance proceeds, and jointly owned bank accounts.

As trustee, you are entitled to engage an attorney to advise and assist you with trust administration. The fees charged by such attorney are paid from the assets of the trust.

Unless there is a legal challenge to the validity or interpretation of the trust, the trust is not subject to the review of the probate court. The trustee must, however, make sure that all of the debts and taxes of the estate are paid. The trustee may be personally liable for any failure to pay debts or taxes.

Some Common Trustee Duties

The trustee's duties typically include the following:

a. Power of Attorney. Obtain and hold the original of any Power of Attorney forms signed by the decedent. By law, a Power of Attorney is no longer valid after the death of the party granting the power. Thus, you are no longer entitled to rely on any Power of Attorney granted by the decedent.

b. Death Certificate. Verify all information contained on the decedent's death certificate, including social security number, date of birth, date of death, and address.

c. Life Insurance. Evaluate all possible life insurance, and assert claims for death benefits where applicable.

d. Assets. Prepare a comprehensive inventory, listing all assets in which the decedent or the decedent's trust owned an interest, including approximate values as of date of death, and indicating whether or not such assets were placed in the Trust. Jointly owned assets should be listed separately. Be careful to not overlook anything of value. Even if a probate is not necessary, a complete list of all assets will be critical, for income tax reporting (including basis calculations), and estate tax reporting. Assets which have a readily ascertainable value, such as bank accounts, marketable securities, etc., need not be appraised. However, all material assets not having a readily ascertainable value should be appraised right away, to establish values as of date of death.

e. Safe Deposit Box. Promptly inventory the contents of the safe deposit box, if any, noting the approximate value of each item as of the date of death.

f. Benefit Payments to Decedent. Promptly give written notice of decedent's death to all parties from whom the decedent received benefit payments such as social security, annuities, pensions, etc. Payments received for post-death periods must be returned to the payor.

g. Decedent's Debts. Promptly list and pay all debts and expenses which are uncontested, including expenses of last illness and burial/funeral expenses. You should also pay all legitimate charges on credit cards and credit accounts, all of which should be promptly closed. The trustee should also ascertain whether there are any disputed claims against the estate, and engage an attorney to help resolve the disputed amounts.

h. Personal Income Taxes. The final state and federal joint income tax returns for the decedent and the decedent's spouse are due by April 15 of the year after the year of decedent's death. You should coordinate with decedent's accountant, for preparation of these returns. Such tax returns will be the final joint returns, and the surviving spouse will file under "single" status for future years.

i. Trust Income Taxes. There is often a requirement to file separate income tax returns for the trust itself, for the period of post-mortem trust administration. If the trust will have material income between the date of death and final distribution of trust assets, income tax returns are usually required. In order to file such tax returns, a federal tax identification number must be obtained. To obtain one, your attorney or accountant should prepare IRS Form SS-4, to apply for a federal tax identification number. You should sign and submit this form as soon as possible. Quarterly estimated income tax payments by the trust may also be required. Again, you may need to coordinate with your accountant for preparation of such returns.

j. Death Tax Returns. A federal estate tax return, and state inheritance tax return, must be prepared and filed within nine (9) months from the date of death. All state and federal death taxes owing by the estate must be paid within nine (9) months from the date of death. Return preparation should begin right away, even though no taxes may be owing. In many cases, there are numerous complicated steps which must be taken prior to the filing of such returns, including elections, disclaimers, and asset allocations. For more information on these issues, see the author's separate article: State and Federal Death Taxes.

k. Notice to Beneficiaries. Under the Uniform Trust Code, the Trustee is required to give notice of certain information to all qualified beneficiaries. See the sample Notice to Beneficiaries in our law resources section on our Web site (see link below).

l. Beneficiary Information. The Trustee must identify all beneficiaries, and obtain all pertinent information regarding each beneficiary including address, Tax ID number, and date of birth.

m. Prudent Manager. As Trustee, it is your obligation to manage all assets of the trust. You should immediately secure all tangible property. Residential property owned by the trust should be protected by functioning locks on all doors and a functioning alarm system if available. Property taxes, monetary encumbrances, and insurance premiums should be kept current. Personal items of significant value (jewelry, artwork, antiques, guns, tools, etc.) should be moved to a secure location pending distribution or other disposition. All financial resources must be prudently managed, and you should confer with qualified professional advisors regarding necessary adjustments to existing investments. You are legally obligated to do more than just maintain the status quo, whether or not the decedent or decedent's advisors engaged in active financial management in the past.

n. Record Keeping. You must be able to provide a detailed accounting of all income and expenses of the trust, and all financial resources of the trust. It is critical that you maintain one or more separate bank accounts in the name of the trust for receipt of income, and payment of expenses. You must never co-mingle trust monies with your own personal resources. It is often advisable to establish financial bookkeeping systems using popular computer software (i.e. Quicken, Quick Books, Peachtree, etc.). In any event, well-organized, detailed record-keeping is critical.

o. Preliminary Distributions. Early in the trust administrative process, the Trustee may begin distribution of specific trust assets. In particular, personal property items mentioned in the trust may usually be distributed right away. Be sure to check the trust for any mandatory waiting periods, as most trusts impose a 30 day survival requirement, or other time period beyond which a beneficiary must live in order to receive a trust distribution.

Additional Resources

The foregoing comments will address the majority of issues that initially arise in trust administration. However, there is no uniform procedure for trust administration because each trust is different, and holds different assets. Numerous other rules and procedures may come into play in the administration of a specific trust. For additional information on these issues and other rules and procedures, numerous articles and other information are available at various websites. For the most reliable advice, you should confer with an experienced estate planning attorney.