Saturday, July 31, 2010

Getting a Divorce Without a Lawyer

If the right precautions are not taken, the process behind obtaining a divorce can easily end up costing an arm and a leg. Handling a divorce is stressful enough without the hassle of financial burdens that goes along with attorney and court fees. But what if you could cut out the middleman? Truth be told, there are ways of obtaining a divorce without the aid of a lawyer, saving you a bit of time and money in the long run. In this article, we will outline the steps necessary to filing on your own.

Step 1 - To begin, you will need to familiarize yourself with the paperwork that will be required to get the process on the road. Get in touch with your local courthouse and ask for copies of recent divorce papers. These documents are public record, and are free to the public. If you feel uncomfortable, you can always ask a friend or family member who has gone through the process to view their papers instead.

Step 2 - Take these papers home and get in contact with your spouse. Discuss what each person wants out of the divorce, such as custody and property matters. Try to reason that the process will be must less costly and painful without the aid of a lawyer, provided you are both able to agree to terms.

Step 3 - Next, read through the copied documents from your lawyer and edit them to reflect your individual situation. Edit all personal information, agreements, etc.. Once you are finished, you are ready to begin on your own paperwork.

Step 4 - Type up your documents using a computer program such as Word or any other text editor. Base your paper off the edited copies that you have doctored earlier, using the same format and verbage.

Step 5 - Be sure to proof read your copies! Fix any errors as you find them and take them to your spouse to review. Once you have the OK, head on down to your county clerk's office and have them notarized.

Step 6 - Your spouse must be served regardless of whether you two agree or not. Your spouse will have to have the papers notarized as well, signing their name under the notary's signature. If you and your spouse are on good terms, you can knock this out very easily by having both of you head down to the notary the first time around. This will allow you to have all papers notarized at the same time.

Step 7 - Once the necessary documents have been signed and notarized, the paperwork should be taken over to the county clerk. The clerk will inform you of the docket date and inform you of the specifics regarding the filing fee. Most fees tend to range between $50 and $100.

Step 8 - On your day in court, the judge will review all the paperwork to ensure all matters are accounted for. Both parties will be asked to agree to the specifications outlined within the documents. Once both parties have provided an affirmative answer, a divorce will be granted.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Unknown Facts About Leadership Revealed

Imagine a bed of oysters, carpeting the bottom of the clear blue ocean, waiting for some adventurous diver to scythe through the dappled waters and bring to the surface the secret pearls trapped inside.

OK it's a bit fanciful, I admit, but in this article I'll be highlighting a pearl of wisdom from the ivory towers of the academic world.

Now before you get too hung up on the concept of pearls of wisdom from ivory towers, ask the question: is academic research of any value at all?

My answer is, of course, yes. But as a business school professor teaching at business schools around the world, I would say that wouldn't I?

Now the academic papers that are the most valuable are those that challenge our thinking. The ones that are sufficiently unexpected to make us think 'THAT'S interesting!'

For now, I want to concentrate on something that's interested me for a long time: the search for the charismatic CEO, and whether or not charismatic CEOs have any effect on business performance. Some researchers think they do - but some say they don't.

So I looked back at my February 2006 edition of the Journal of the American Academy of Management, known as AMJ, with interest. 'Does CEO charisma matter?' it asked in large friendly letters on the cover.

Summarizing brutally, it appears that in times of uncertainty or crisis, charismatic CEOs appear to give some stability and a sense of direction to companies... But not always.

And this I think is what makes academic research so interesting. It challenges the commonsense view of the world. We assume that larger-than-life characters who run our businesses make a real difference. But actually when we come to look for that evidence it isn't there.

I'll say it again: There's no link between the charisma of a CEO and business performance. This becomes important to us as practicing managers if we choose to promote or select senior executives for roles just because they are charismatic. There's no guarantee that the charismatic leader will deliver great performance.

You might be thinking: so what? Well, first of all, this is highly reassuring to those of us whose egos are not John Wayne-sized. And secondly, those of us who are involved in recruiting managers and leaders must not be seduced by charismatic individuals. We must assess every candidate for every role based on past performance and their plans for the future. Charisma does not guarantee performance. Caveat emptor. Buyer beware.

So next time you hear an angry report in a tabloid newspaper blasting away at the vast sums of money spent on academic research, think again before you say 'That's obvious', or 'That's ridiculous'. Behind the headlines there might just be a pearl in a shell.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Florida Car Accident Lawyers - Common Causes of Car Accidents

Among all the personal injury cases, road accidents that involve motorcycles or cars are the most frightening. It can affect the passengers, drivers and the passers by as well.

People involved in car accident can suffer different types of injuries - minor to serious. Severe car accidents may result in fatalities even.

With the increased amount of road traffic, chances of automobile accident are also higher nowadays. Life after car accident is sometimes more painful than the incident itself. Job loss, unemployment, reduced income, disability, injuries and top of all the feeling of being sufferer due to some one else's negligence make life miserable.

You will be shocked to know that in America one person die in car accident in every 13 minutes! Then just think how scary the figure will be if you calculate road accident casualty of a year!

Not all the victims are aware of their legal rights and they fail to claim what they deserve. Even if we subtract the number of people who cannot make it to court, hundreds of thousands car accident compensation claim cases are filed in the court of the states every year. Hundreds of automobile accidents take place in Florida and consult Florida car accident attorney to get their claim filed.

Car accident lawyers help victims and their families get compensated for all their damages and injuries. But compensation is the solution once the accident has happened already; the question is how the instances of car accidents can be reduced if not stopped completely?

Let's review the most common reasons of car crashes. Once we know the reason, we can take proper measures to avoid it.

Driver's inefficiency:

Drivers often forget their responsibilities and get tempted to break road rules and traffic laws desperately. Crossing speed limits, tailgating, disobeying traffic signals are the common causes of car accident. Such acts during rainy or stormy nights can lead to disasters.

Driving under the influence of alcohol or any other toxins:

Drunk driving could be dangerous. People lose control over themselves when they are drunk or under influence of toxins. There is an allowance although; a certain quantity of alcohol is considered ok for drivers, any amount higher than that should not be taken when you are going to drive.Lack of concentration:

While driving full concentration should be given towards it, no active participation in any other activities is desired. Drivers often forget their duties and engage themselves in active discussion with co-passengers, talking over cell phones or listening to music while driving.

The above mentioned factors can be controlled. Several laws have been introduced at state level too to control such activities. However, mass awareness is required to prevent road accidents due to driver's negligence.

Below are some points where, not the driver but another party is responsible for the accidents. Whoever is responsible for the accident, Florida residents should always contact Florida personal injury lawyers for further legal help. Let's proceed with rest of the reasons:

Defective vehicle or sudden break downs:

Cars and motorcycles are nothing but machines and machines can be defective or can crash any time. However, drivers and motorcycle riders should give their vehicles a check periodically to see if all the parts are working properly or not. Also, not a single mechanical problem should be left unattended.

Defective roads:

Local administrative body is responsible to ensure the roads and highways are safe for driving. If they fail to perform their duty, legal action can be taken against them.

Bad weather:

Heavy rain, stormy weather, snowfall, sustained wind and other natural calamities often lead to road accidents. Drivers, motorists and pedestrians should be extra careful on road during bad weather.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How Vehicular Manslaughter Charges Can Affect You

DUI is a serious charge in Arizona, but that's particularly true if you were driving under the influence, got into an accident and someone was killed as a result of the collision.  Even if you were barely above the legal limit and had no intent whatsoever to cause any sort of injury or death, it may not matter should the state decide to prosecute you under this charge.

Below is a brief look at how the vehicular manslaughter laws work in Arizona, but if you are facing prosecution for this sort of situation, the worst thing you can do is sit in fear and hope that it goes away, as it will not.  The best thing you could do right now is contact a criminal defense lawyer and start building your defense right away.

Vehicular Manslaughter Laws in Arizona

Ironically, there is no statute in Arizona that speaks specifically to DUI vehicular manslaughter.  Instead, other laws are invoked to bring the prosecution forward, and the following laws are relevant as law enforcement moves towards an arrest.

13-1103. Manslaughter; classification

A. A person commits manslaughter by:

1. Recklessly causing the death of another person;

Recklessly is the key word in this statute, as the Arizona laws dictate that anyone who is proven to have been driving under the influence is acting recklessly as a matter of law.  Specifically, it means that a person knew of the risks he was encountering and acted anyway with disregard for those risks.  Therefore, a person convicted of DUI and who caused an accident that led to a death will be charged with manslaughter, which is a Class 2 felony.

If you are convicted of manslaughter because of a DUI, you could face a substantial prison sentence.  While there is a range available to the court, a defendant could face up to 21 years in prison if he or she is convicted.  This does not include any other charges that could be 'bundled' with your conviction, inclu

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Percolator Coffee Smells Better Than Baking Bread

People will think you are a dinosaur for using a percolator, especially a stove top percolator, but that's OK because no drip coffee maker can match the taste and aroma of percolated coffee. If you're old enough to remember the smell of freshly brewed percolated coffee that filled the house when it was time for dad to head off to work and you to school then you know exactly what I mean.

You will have to get a Farberware coffee percolator because they seem to be making them the old school way. The Yosemite model (doesn't that create an image of brewing a pot over a campfire in the mountains?) is thick gauge stainless steel and it feels it too. That's exactly what you need on the stove top or on the side burner of your gas grill.

Maybe you do not make a habit of brewing coffee on your barbecue but it is something you will dearly appreciate if you get caught in bad weather that knocks the power out for a week or two and everything in the house is electric.

How long do you let the percolator go after it starts? There is no absolute, certain answer but for four or more cups about eight minutes of percolating time seems to be optimal. Be sure to turn down the heat after the first perk. You do not want to boil the coffee and it is not necessary to do so either. The lower you can get the heat and still keep the coffee bouncing up into the glass bubble on the top the better the coffee will taste. Too much heat will cause a nasty burnt taste.

You will also want to use coarse ground coffee in a percolator. That's no problem if you grind your own coffee but it can be if you buy grocery store coffee. Most brands only offer drip ground coffee and if you use this grind in a percolators more porous filter you may end up with some of it in your cup.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Oklahoma's Approach to Sex Offenders

Despite the fact that America boasts of one of the most effective judicial and criminal systems in the world, we still struggle mightily with the problem of dealing with sex offenders who prey on innocent victims. American society has yet to find an ideal approach to dealing with this social problem.

This concern has resurfaced in recent weeks due to various high-profile sex crimes in media. With the dearth of an effective national approach to the problem states and cities have tried to deal with sex offenders in their own way. For instance, California has instituted a two-year civil commitment for convicted sex offenders, which means that these sex criminals will serve another two years locked up in a prison facility in addition to the official sentence handed down by the court in their case.

Oklahoma is dealing with sex criminals in a different way. The state has a law that prohibits sex offenders from living in most residential areas in an attempt to keep them away from families and children that reside in these areas. An updated version of the law stipulates that these criminals cannot move into an abode that is within 2,000 feet of day-care centers, playgrounds and parks. Schools have been a banned territory for sex criminals in Oklahoma for years. In addition, sex offenders who were already residing in such areas when the law was passed will be compelled to move residence if they are within 300 feet of these locations.

As such, the law practically expels sex offenders from most places in cities and towns in Oklahoma, which leaves little option but to live in the rural areas. And already, this possibility has raised an uproar in several rural venues in Okalahoma as law enforcement officers, civil rights proponents, prosecutors, lawmakers and children's advocates complain that the new law will make Oklahoma countryside less safe.

As one local parole officer put it, ``Residential restrictions actually increase recidivism'' and since these criminals will likely be based in rural communities, that is where they will likely revert back to their evil form.

In any case, national observers are keeping a keen watch on Oklahoma to see just how effective this new approach to sex offenders will be.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tips For Hiring a Lawyer

First, do not hire a lawyer who actively seeks your business. If, without your consent, a lawyer or someone acting on his behalf communicates with you in person or by telephone and asks you to hire him in connection with your accident, this is known as "ambulance chasing" and contrary to the Legal Rules of Professional Conduct. If a lawyer will break those rules to obtain your business, this lawyer is likely not the kind of lawyer you wish representing you.

Ensure you are aware of what you're paying for. All fee systems are different. Explore if your lawyer will request fees "off the top" or only after all of the expenses are calculated. Insist on obtaining this information in writing and in clear, concise language that you are comfortable with. Expenses will include: court costs, court reporter and copies of transcripts, expert witness fees, private investigator, postage, telephone, courier, and photocopying, legal research, out of town air or car transportation, and hotel and meal expenses.

Learn how you can fire a lawyer. Some contracts specify that even if you fire a lawyer, the lawyer still obtains a substantial percentage of any future settlement you may receive. Ensure that you know how to fire your lawyer prior to your hiring him.

Inspect your lawyer's records. Inquire through your state bar association if your lawyer has ever been the subject of an ethical complaint. Realizing your lawyer has a pattern of questionable conduct could alert you to potential problems, saving you money and time.

Know your options and ensure your lawyer is protecting them.Lawyers do not merely sue. Suing may be one of the more expensive paths for you to obtain compensation. Ensure that your lawyer has an open mind with alternative means to resolve your problem, such as mediation. Be certain you are obtaining a fair, ethically driven lawyer.

These are 7 essentials to enquire of before concurring to hire any lawyer:

1. Is the lawyer a generalist or a specialist in one category of law?

2. Has this lawyer handled cases like yours before?

3. What alternatives to a lawsuit might be contemplated?

4. Should mediation or arbitration be taken into account?

5. How long should you expect to retain the lawyer's assistance?

6. How often will you be billed, and what's the lawyer's assessment for fees and services?

7. Is the lawyer safeguarded by malpractice insurance?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Legal Ethics - Is It Proper For A NY Lawyer To Solicit An Accident Victim After A Car Crash?

Q: My mother was in a car accident last week, and already she's gotten letters from lawyers asking if she's ok, and if she wants a lawyer? Is it ethical for a lawyer to send such a letter?

A: First, I hope she is feeling better. Second, in limited circumstances in New York, it may be acceptable for an attorney to send such a letter to a victim of an accident. The majority of lawyers feel such a letter to a victims' home is demeaning and degrading. Some lawyers feel this is nothing but a solicitation, which is clearly not permitted in New York. Other attorneys (the ones who send these letters) feel that it may be their only chance to entice the injured victim to come to them as a client.

The letter is supposed to only offer them legal assistance and guidance- should they want it. Again, how do you choose which attorney to use when you're inundated with a flood of letters from different lawyers promising to help you with your accident claim?

The answer is simpler than you think. Ask yourself why a an attorney would even bother to send such a letter. Are they really that desperate to need to send such a letter? How did they get your name anyway? I'll tell you how- maybe it came from the tow truck operator who took your car away. Maybe it was from an ambulance technician. Maybe it was from a police blotter at the police station. (That's public information that many investigators working for lawyers troll for in various police stations).

Ask yourself another question. Do you let a stranger into your house simply because he says he saw you need a paint job, and amazingly, he's a painter who is willing to paint your house for a great price? Did you call him? No. Did you seek out other customers of his to determine if he's reliable and professional? No. He just showed up while trolling through the neighborhood. Is this the type of painter you want working in your house? I don't think so.

The same rationale holds true for a lawyer that sends you an unsolicited letter following an accident. What do you know about that lawyer? Probably nothing. Does that mean that he (or she) isn't a good lawyer? No. But, again, think who you want for your attorney. Does it help knowing that your lawyer gets many cases this way, by sending out unsolicited lawyer letters hoping that a few unknowing people will answer the letter? The choice, as always is yours. Make an informed choice.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Personal Injury Claims and the Use of Focus Groups

Focus groups are a cross-section of the population who has been hired to listen and give their opinions on certain issues. In legal matters, such as accident cases, they are not informed what side the lawyer represents. The reason for this is to maintain an unbiased analysis of the issues that are presented. Revealing whom the lawyer represents will tend to influence the way the group will respond. Usually, no one wants to tell the attorney who is representing a client that he is all-wrong in his approach.

This whole purpose of a focus group is to subject certain issues to critical analysis. For example, if there is a concern about whether a client may be held partly responsible for an accident although the other person went through a red light, then it would be important to address the issue in a non-adversarial light. The purpose of a focus group is not to try to convince them of one's position. It is to open the door to discussion so that differing position can be heard and discussed openly.

Generally, a focus group may consist of six to eight people who have been selected to represent a cross-section of the population where the case may be tried. Conceivably, what one might expect to represent as jurors in that community? They are paid for their time and usually welcome the opportunity to participate in this activity. It is done in a very informal setting, usually a lawyer's conference room, and there are no stringent rules as would be found in a courtroom. Light snacks and drinks are provided to make the participants relaxed and comfortable.

Participants are encouraged to ask questions throughout a brief introduction of the case. Care is taken to make sure that the initial presentation is not skewed toward one side or the other. Participants are informed not to be offended if some questions are not answered. Answering some questions may be irrelevant or lead the participants to draw some conclusions too early so that some issues do not get addressed fully.

The entire focus group meeting will take approximately two hours. Therefore, the issues to be addressed should be worked out in advance. They should be presented in such a way that allows plenty of time for discussion. An issue can be presented from differing points of view or as simply an issue for open discussion.

Use of focus groups is extremely helpful in revealing issues that may not have been previously considered in a personal injury lawsuit. Lawyers handling personal injury cases sometimes get so convinced of their position that they suffer from "tunnel vision" and can't see how the average person may view their case. These are the people who will be judging the case at trial. Focus groups can help a lawyer refocus their case for a jury of their peers and very informative when it comes to finding out the strengths and weakness of your personal injury lawsuit.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Whether You've Been Busted For Pot Or Something Much More Severe

Drugs are considered controlled substances under Minnesota law & can bring stiff penalties!

Are you facing an arrest in Minneapolis, Minnesota? Hire an experienced defense lawyer to handle your case.

Facing an arrest in Minneapolis, Minnesota can be a frightening experience. After all, if your MN controlled substance defense lawyer fails to prove your innocence, you might be facing some rather serious consequences.

As such, it is important for you to hire an attorney who will treat your case with the utmost care -- and will do everything possible to get your charges reduced or possibly even dropped.

There are a number of drugs that are often associated with a controlled substance arrest in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Some of the most common include...

•Prescription Drugs

Of course, this is just a summary list and shouldn't be considered all encompassing, as you can find yourself facing an arrest in Minneapolis, Minnesota for possession of a variety of other drugs as well.

Although the exact penalties you face will depend greatly upon your specific case and the abilities of your MN controlled substance defense lawyer to put together a solid defense, the maximum penalty you may face will likely depend upon the degree of your crime.

In the case of an arrest in Minneapolis, Minnesota, you may face the following charges and consequences...

•First Degree - penalty of up to 30 years in prison and up to a $1 million fine

•Second Degree - penalty of up to 25 years in prison and up to a $500,000 fine

•Third Degree - penalty of up to 20 years in prison and up to a $250,000 fine

•Fourth Degree - penalty of up to 15 years in prison and up to a $100,000 fine

•Fifth Degree - penalty of up to 10 years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine

If you have a prior conviction, it is important to note that your maximum penalty may be increased accordingly.

Since you are looking at serious charges, it is essential for you to hire a defense lawyer early on in your case - one who is experienced in handling cases such as yours.

Similarly, you want to be certain to hire a lawyer you feel comfortable talking with. After all, it is possible that you will be working with this person for some time, as you work together to prove your innocence and get the charges against you reduced or potentially dropped.

Always do your research on candidate attorneys and carefully choose the one you feel will be in the best position to provide a solid defense for your case.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Field Sobriety Testing Methods

Millions of people have been pulled over because of suspicious driving behavior, which may lead officers to believe that the motorist is intoxicated. Once an officer suspects you of drinking and driving, you may be subjected to a breathalyzer or a number of field sobriety tests. If you find yourself in this situation, it may helpful to know what to expect during a field sobriety test.

What to Expect

While none of these methods are 100% accurate, officers rely on them to determine whether or not a person is intoxicated. Because testing can be biased and subjective, you have the right to refuse a field sobriety test; however, in many states this is implicit guilt, and you will be taken to jail and booked for a DUI. The positive aspect of this scenario is that officers do not have the results of a field sobriety test to prove your guilt, which weakens their case in court.

If you do consent, officers typically follow a series of tests targeted at your motor skills, mental processes, and eye movements. The following three sobriety tests are commonly administered and comprise the federally recognized Standardized Field Sobriety Test:

o The walk-and-turn test. This test is designed to observe your ability to perform simple physical and mental processes simultaneously. During this test you will be instructed to walk along a straight line by placing one foot directly in front of the other while counting your steps aloud. Once you reach the end of the line, you will be asked to turn around and repeat the process again.

o The one-leg stand. In this test, you will be asked to stand with your legs together and your arms at your side. Then, you will be instructed to raise one leg 6 inches above the ground and hold it for 30 seconds while counting aloud. You are expected to be able to keep your foot raised the entire time without using your arms for balance.

o The horizontal gaze nystagmus. This test is used to examine involuntary eye movements. Under normal conditions, the eyes may move involuntary when eyes are rotated to high peripheral angles; however, when alcohol is involved, movement and jerking may be more prevalent. During this test, you will be asked to follow a moving object with your eyes.

Knowing what to expect when you are suspected of drinking and driving can dramatically improve your chances at minimizing penalties.

For more information on field sobriety tests or alcohol related offenses, contact the Rhode Island DUI defense lawyer James Powderly.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

5 Things to Look For in a Criminal Defense Attorney

Being charged with a crime can be a frightening experience. When you are facing criminal charges of any magnitude, your future can depend on the careful selection of qualified legal representation. Although your fate ultimately rests in the hands of a judge or jury, choosing the right attorney for your specific circumstances just may tilt the scales of justice in your favor.

There are many factors to consider in choosing the right attorney, and every legal situation is unique. However, when you are evaluating your candidates, a careful consideration of the following 5 factors will provide a great starting point in the decision making process.

1) Cost

Before you begin to interview defense attorneys, you should conduct a careful assessment of your financials. Determine how much money you will be able to allocate to the entire process. Be prepared to incur costs for court fees, restitution, and more. If your case goes to trial, your legal defense fee can easily double.

Depending on your particular requirements, you may need an attorney who offers flexible payment plans. You may be able to work out a monthly payment arrangement with a percentage of your fees paid in advance. Be sure to make note of forms of payment accepted as well. Most attorneys accept major credit cards, cash and checks.

2) Experience

A critical component of the evaluation process. Many attorneys begin their careers working for the State and thereby have a unique insight as to how the prosecution works. Carefully review the resumes of all your candidates and pay close attention to previous positions.

Look for experience in the area of practice that most closely pertains to your legal situation. If one of your prospects has a decade of experience practicing bankruptcy law, it won't do you much good if you are facing charges for driving while intoxicated.

3) Demeanor

While this is a factor that is often overlooked, your attorney's demeanor is critical to the maintenance of your relationship. Personality can also play an enormous roll in how a jury responds to your attorney if the case goes to trial.

Look for a confident yet personable attitude, and an ability to enunciate and communicate properly. It is imperative that your attorney exhibits patience in explaining the technicalities of the law to you at every step of the process.

4) Location

This may seem obvious, but many people seek counsel from counties other than the one in which they are facing criminal charges. Although there are circumstances where this may be advisable, generally speaking it is a better idea to choose an attorney with a primary practice in the county where you have been charged.

An attorney that is familiar with the processes and protocols in a local court system may have insights that an out-of-town lawyer may not be be aware of.

5) Track Record

While it may be tempting to look at sheer wins vs. losses in determining an attorney's ability to litigate, it is important to dig a little deeper. Every case has a unique set of circumstances that should be taken into consideration.

Look at your prospect's case results within the context of all of the available details. Does the attorney have a proven record of negotiating favorable terms for his clients or does he accept the first offer that is handed over? Look for a lawyer with the confidence to take a case to trial when appropriate.


When you enter into a relationship with a criminal defense attorney, you are putting your trust in the ability of that attorney to protect your constitutional rights in a court of law. With your freedom at stake, you should take every measure to ensure that you have retained the best possible legal representation.

Never be afraid to ask questions and don't be intimidate by your lack of proficiency in the law. Remember, above all, your defense attorney works for you!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Have You Received a Domain Name Cease and Desist Letter? A Lawyer's Guide

As the Internet has grown there have been increasing numbers of cease and desist letters being sent in order to attempt to obtain domain names. Some of the letters may be legitimate attempts to obtain domain names to which the author of the letter is truly entitled. Other letters are merely unfounded attempts to obtain domain names by the use of threats and coercion. If you have received a letter or email that threatens legal action, you should carefully evaluate the threat and handle it accordingly.

A domain name cease and desist letter is a communication that alleges that you are violating the trademark rights of the sender of the letter. The letter often demands that you transfer the domain name to the person who has sent the letter by a specified deadline.

The letters are usually complicated and written with legal terminology that is virtually incomprehensible to most people. The letter may allege that you have violated the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act or violated trademark laws. The communication may quote from the anticybersquatting law or from legal decisions in order to try to convince you that you are violating the law.

Furthermore, the communication may claim that fines and penalties can be imposed on you in the amount of several hundred thousand dollars. The letter may be on the letterhead of a law firm, it may be from a company and signed by someone claiming to be from the "legal department" or it may be sent without a signature. Cease and desist letters are usually the first step in a domain name dispute.

It is very important that you handle the situation well. Do not ignore the letter or delay in responding. Your disregard of the letter can be used against you. Some judges and arbitrators have ruled that a disregard of the letter is evidence that you are a cybersquatter (i.e., that you are hiding from the law).

If you ignore the letter, the sender may conclude that the registration information for the domain name is fraudulent, that you are hiding because you think that you're guilty or that you have been intimidated and are fearful of the confrontation.

Consequently, a lawsuit or a UDRP proceeding may be commenced against you in order to further intimidate you and/or obtain your domain name through the legal process. Furthermore, if you delay in responding, a lawsuit or a UDRP legal proceeding may be filed against you -- before you have a chance to respond and state your position. A description of the UDRP (Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy) can be found here

As you consider your response to the cease and desist letter, you will need to evaluate the legitimacy and basis of the letter. You will also need to evaluate carefully the strength of your position relative to the allegations contained in the letter. It may not be in your best interest to attempt to address legal issues without the advice of an attorney. A mistake can be costly.

After you have carefully evaluated the strength of your position compared to the validity of the allegation that you should give up the domain name, you can decide whether to give up the domain name or to challenge the allegations contained in the letter.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Drunk Driving Attorney - Take the Best Or Be Sentenced

Getting arrested for DUI or Driving Under the Influence is not something that you should just ignore. DUI is a serious criminal offense that warrants severe penalties and punishments from law breakers. It will be a permanent part of your record, and that is definitely an inconvenience. Employers always have second thoughts about hiring a job applicant that has a DUI charge. Lending companies do not really want to do business with any drunk driver. Those are just a couple of the problems that you may face with a DUI charge under your belt.

If you are thinking of getting rid of that ugly DUI charge on your record, the best option that you can look at is to hire a drunk driving attorney. A person who specializes in these cases absolutely knows how to let you off the hook or at least minimize the penalties or punishments that are put upon you.

You can go online and search for excellent DUI attorneys in your area. You can also ask your friends or other people for recommendations.

Once you find a drunk driving attorney that you think can help you with your case, do your best to be as cooperative as possible. Tell him or her what exactly happened before, during and after you were arrested. He or she needs all the big and small details of the event. Do not forget or leave out anything, because even the things that you think are unimportant are essential for him or her to defend your case.

An excellent drunk driving attorney can get the charges against you dropped if you only committed a minor violation. If there are severe injuries or deaths involved, he or she might need a longer time to fight for your case. Make sure that you do enough research before getting the services of a DUI attorney to represent you.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Criminal Records Online

For the past few years, almost all state and country governments have started making criminal records available to the public online via the Internet. Now, the Internet has become an open source of information that offers manifold avenues for searching information. So any private citizen or any organization can avail of the criminal records online whatever they want, usually within two to ten business days.

The Pacific Information Resources site has a list of online criminal records. Some of these sites like the Oklahoma site provide information about criminal records free of charge. However some of these sites charge for providing the accessibility of the records. Most government agencies now make their records available online as they think that they can make money by selling the records. The charges of websites vary from one another depending on the level and amount of information and the kind of information. So one has to shop around for deciding the best site that suits ones requirements and capability to pay the charges.

While the majority of jurisdictions have computerized their criminal records, most of them now do not allow off-site access of criminal records. However, in many online criminal records the only information available is the name of defendant, case number, and date. Sometimes the penal code violations and disposition may not be listed in the online records for the purpose of providing privacy and protection to the witnesses involved. When compared to other off-line sources of retrieving information about criminal records, online search is the somewhat a least cost effective way. However, these results can be retrieved more quickly than those of other sources.

There is some risk involving in the online accessibility of criminal records. Almost all types of people are using Internet for browsing information. In such a context, if any errors are there in the online criminal records, they will seriously effect the reputation of the person involved.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The 7 Step Plan to Move & Start Your Career in the USA

OK I just wanted to do a quick note on the outline of getting your visa so it is an easy reference post with not too much fluff for people so they get an overview. I am not sure either if there are exactly 10 steps but it sounds like a nice round number so lets start writing and see how many major steps there are.

Step 1. Find An Employer (Visa Sponsor) - The best places to look include Monster and Craiglist for searching an evergrowing list of updated jobs in specific fields

Step 2. Have The Employer Fill Out The Sponsorship Document and Pay The Relavent Filing Fees - Theoretically you could do this on their behalf and pay for it and then have them send it but chances if it is a reputable employer they will do it all probably via their attorneys.

Step 3. Understand Your Dates - For E3 this is relatively simple as the forms can be filed all year around. As for H1B this is more complicated as there is annual filing date of April 1 and hard quotas as well. Even if you get your approval and your visa from the consulate you cannot begin employment until October 1 that year.

Step 4, Schedule Your Interview - When you have or anticipate to have all your documents both from your employer and the ones you have to prepare yourself along with fees, photos and other proof documents ready then book an interview with your closed US consulate that can process that type of visa.

Step 5. Book Your Ticket - Depending on how brave and confident you are, you could have done this earlier on in anticipation of getting your visa but in any case I will put it here. Be prepared at your port of entry into the US to answer questions. Don't worry if you have all in order you will be fine, although it may seem tense depending on the person you get.

Step 6. Get A Social Security Number - This is essentially your key to living in the US and is vital from everything to opening a bank account, getting a mobile phone, credit cards, signing a lease, potentially getting paid. You can only do this from within the country and it can take up to 6 weeks for them to send you your card and number but usually it is 2-4 weeks.

Step 7. Start Work!!

These are the 7 Steps to working in the US that everyone must follow to fulfill their dreams!

Good Luck!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Surprise! Your Fiance Has Two Kids

It is the home stretch to your wedding day. All the invitations have been sent, the caterer hired, and the reception hall rented. You are receiving all the RSVP letters in the mail, through email, and by telephone, when you open a strange email that stops you dead in your tracks.

The email subject is, "Did you know Mark has children?" This caught your eye, as your fiancé's name is Mark, so you decide to read the rest of the email.

"To whom it may concern, I met Mark while we were in college. We were married after only knowing each other three months and had two children. He disappeared the day after our daughter was born. I did not know until today when a friend of mine found your wedding announcement in the paper that he was even alive. I do not care to let him know anything about his children, but thought you should know since you marrying him. We are not divorced as far as I know."

Could this be true? Could this be your Mark? She saw the photo, but it just could not be. We met after he returned from college. Could he really be married? Could this be a person that is trying to fraud you in some way? Instead of worrying and wondering what to do you should go online and get a background check done on Mark. With a background check, you will be able to view all public records including marriage records, birth records, and divorce records. Along with this information, you will be able to find previous addresses and other pertinent information to help you learn the truth. This way you will know if your fiancé is married or if this woman has the wrong Mark.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Outrageous Medical Costs Responsible For Devastating Families

Approximately half of people experiencing economic ruin in recent years are a direct result of medical problems and most of those people were covered by health insurance at the start of the illness. Medically related impoverishment involves more than 2 million annually. Often, the destructive illness led to job loss and therefore a loss of health insurance. As a result, one-third of those with private health insurance lost coverage by the time they lost everything else, too and needed to hire an Oklahoma City bankruptcy attorney. Researchers found that illness and medical bills were responsible for over fifty percent of those experiencing total financial ruin. When they have lost everything to paying off medical bills, who can afford to get the advice they need from an Oklahoma City bankruptcy lawyer?

Researchers concluded that a new approach to health reform is necessary. Health insurance cannot offer much protection for families when a serious illness brings with it co-payments, insanely high deductibles and bills for uncovered items like physical therapy and prescription drugs. Filing Chapter 13 is often the last resort for families to pick up the pieces and try to start their lives over.

Surely anyone in this country can appreciate just how fatally flawed the conventional health care system truly is. For the majority of the U.S. population, there is no good reason that health care should be as expensive as it is today. Aside from the rare situation where intensive costly intervention is required, most of us absolutely do not need to rely on expensive medications to treat chronic illnesses.

Some of the astonishing truths that the researchers uncovered are that 75 percent of the families who became impoverished had health insurance and about one-third had eventually lost their coverage by the time they had filed for Chapter 13. People who were slammed with the highest out-of-pocket costs were those who had medical coverage but lost it during the course of their illness. A government-funded, socialistic health care system may not be the answer, but patients, doctors, hospitals and insurance must start communicating and work out a compromise so that the needs of everyone involved are met.

Many are convinced that most of this financial devastation could have been avoided if conventional health care focused on treatments that actually address the cause of disease rather than prescribing and administering expensive, toxic and unnecessary cures. It is evident to us all that even if you have substantial health coverage, there is absolutely no guarantee that your finances will be protected should you come down with a serious illness. It cannot be stressed strongly enough that taking responsibility for your own health is one of the most important actions you can take today to protect not only your physical health but also your very financial security. We might do our best to speak out to our government and protect and improve our current state of health by becoming educated in how to live a healthy lifestyle. The keys are to eat natural foods, drink clean water, and get enough exercise and plenty of sleep every day.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Network Marketing Training- Who Are the Best MLM Small Business Prospects and Why?

There is a virtual Gold Mine out in the marketplace for network marketing and MLM that is being virtually ignored by most folks.

These folks have 5 things they bring to MLM that can prove to be absolutely invaluable:

1) Contacts around the country.

2) Existing clients.

3) Experience in the marketplace.

4) Exposure, credibility, and visibility to a lot of folks.

5) Capital that can purchase products.

Many of these folks are looking for other sources of revenue, as they are entrepreneurs, and understand the concept of multiple streams of income and revenues, which are available in Network Marketing.

Ok, who are these gold mines?

The Small Business Professional.

And this Gold mine is endless as far as potential, possibilities, contacts, sales, and profit.

We all need to get into our warm market, and rarely is a warm market totally exhausted. Most people never call on a third of their warm market. That is an industry fact.

But we ALL know small business professionals in our warm market, and they are a lot of times very willing to take a look at a "secondary revenue source".

Let me ask you some questions:

Who do you purchase things from on a regular basis?

Who do you buy your insurance from?

Who did you buy your real estate from?

Who do you purchase your groceries from?

These are just a few of the folks we do business with that can be a gold mine in network marketing.


Small business owners are looking how to expand and enlarge their current business and profits, and MLM has proven to be a great source of income for the right business owner.

Who would be some small business professionals?

1) Print Shop Managers/Owners

2) Book Store Managers/ Owners

3) Restaurant Manager/ Owner

4) CPA

5) Attorney

6) Stock Broker

7) Jewelry Store Manager/Owner

8) Service Station Owner

9) Local Pharmacy owner

10) Grocery Store Owner/ manager

11) Book keepers

12) Fitness Trainers

13) Health Professionals

14) Medical professionals

15) Consultants

The List is endless. Everywhere you look is a potential Gold Mine for your MLM business. Look in the yellow pages, and the Chamber of Commerce.You will be shocked how large the market really is.

The average city has literally hundreds and even thousands of small business owners, and they all have one thing in common:

Wanting to enlarge and multiply profits.


Try to stay within the range of 10- 25 employees to start off. This is a good number and usually the owner is in a position to make the decisions without a lot of red tape.

Start contacting the small business owners you know, and ask for their help. Ask them to take a look at your Network marketing products and services, and consider making them available to their employees at a discount. Ask if you could do a mini seminar at their place of business after hours.

And then run the idea past them of having a secondary revenue source themselves with your products.

We were blessed to recruit hundreds of small business owners in our group, and it really was easy, once you got your first one.

They brought in the rest into MLM and Network Marketing.


PassionFire Intl (c) 2005/ all rights reserved

Monday, July 12, 2010

How to Choose a Mesothelioma Lawyer

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer, but the deadliest one of all. The victims of mesothelioma are innocent men and women who did not know that they were being poisoned with asbestos as they worked. The manufacturers and even distributors knew for decades that asbestos was hazardous, but they did not warn people of those hazards. As a result, you have the right of recovery against those manufacturers, which on the other hand can help pay the costs of treatment and provide compensation for your pain and suffering.

Although nothing can truly compensate for loss of health or life, mesothelioma lawyers are devoted to getting you the compensation you deserve. If your life has been affected by mesothelioma directly or indirectly, then you may deserve compensation.

Filing a mesothelioma lawsuit is a long and tedious process. So, it is vital to your case that you find an experienced mesothelioma lawyer, and as soon as you have been diagnosed with the cancer. Most states have a time limit in which you can file your mesothelioma lawsuit. If you miss that deadline, you may find that you are not entitled to make a claim. Earlier you get to a mesothelioma lawyer, the better your chances of success. Here are a few important guidelines in finding a good mesothelioma lawyer.

"Mesothelioma Law Firm" - There's no such thing as a mesothelioma law firm because one law firm can deal with a variation of cases, but it is best to select a law firm or an attorney that has past experience of dealing with mesothelioma cases. They have already done the leg work and gained the knowledge and experience with mesothelioma. But, do not disregard any other law firm. A mesothelioma case is just like any other case that requires responsibility and discipline from the attorney to win your case. A law firm with a very good reputation can as well handle your mesothelioma case if not better.

Searching for mesothelioma lawyer - You can begin your search on the Internet or in the yellow pages. However, your local or state bar association, and Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory (found in most public libraries) will give you narrower search and help you find your mesothelioma lawyer a whole lot faster. The Martindale-Hubbell Legal Network has a database of over a million lawyers and law firms in 160 countries. This service evaluates lawyers based on peer reviews. Their website, has a helpful lawyer locator service and will explain the rating system.

How do you select your mesothelioma lawyer - The Oklahoma Bar Association has put out excellent guidelines regarding choosing an attorney. They state that "Selecting a lawyer is a personal matter. You must judge which particular attorney will be best for you. Before making a decision, however, you may want to contact several lawyers or law firms to gather some comparative information.

When choosing a lawyer, keep practical considerations in mind: the lawyer's area of expertise, prior experience and reputation, convenience of office location, amount of fees charged and the length of time a case may take. A lawyer's communication skills are another factor. Willingness and ability to talk to you in language you understand and responsiveness to your questions will influence how well informed you are about the progress of your case.

It is advisable that you select an attorney with whom you feel comfortable. These preferences may guide you in selecting someone with whom you feel most comfortable.

It is important that you trust the lawyer you hire -- and that you believe he or she will do the best job possible in protecting your legal rights. But keep in mind that most lawsuits and other legal work are not "sure things." You should be cautious of an attorney who guarantees results. No lawyer can be expected to win every case, and sometimes the best legal advice may not be exactly what you want to hear."

The timely process of selecting a mesothelioma lawyer and the proper filing of your mesothelioma lawsuit can make all the difference between a multi-million dollar compensation claim to secure the future of your family (once and if you are gone), and getting nothing at all for your pain, suffering, and loss of life.

Disclaimer: The author and publisher of this article have done their best to give you useful, informative and accurate information. This article does not represent nor replace the legal advice you need to get from a lawyer, or other professional if the content of the article involves an issue you are facing. Laws vary from state-to-state and change from time-to-time. Always consult with a qualified professional before making any decisions about the issues described in this article. Thank you.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Video Marketing For Lawyers - 9 Things You Must Ask Your Video Producer

Here are the 9 most important things you need to ask any video production company:

1. How long will my video shoot be?
2. How many actual video clips will I get for that length of video shoot?
3. How long will each video clip be?
4. Will you upload my video clip(s) to my website and blog?
5. Do you upload my videos to the video sharing sites?
6. Do you blog about my videos?
7. Do you put my videos on your own website and blog about the newest video you created?
8. Do you use your social networks to tell the world about my new video?
9. How much will you charge me to create another series of video clips?

If the video company you're choosing doesn't do all of those things with an all-in-one, turn-key system, ask them "Why Not?"


You've decided to produce videos to market your law practice. You're now looking for a video production company. Here are 3 reasons why you won't hire me:

1. I'm too expensive
2. I'm an attorney with years of experience creating and producing educational videos
3. You don't want the commitment of creating video over 6 or 12 months

There. I've said it. These are the main reasons why you will not hire me. Now, I'm going to address each one and by the end of this article, you decide who you need to hire.

Most video production companies charge anywhere from $500-$35,000 to create attorney video. At the low end of the spectrum, you can get the cookie-cutter video where they use a fixed template that you cannot change and get only one video clip for your money. At the other end of the spectrum, you get a custom video channel with 3 or 4 video clips.

In the Lawyers' Video Studio I shoot one hour of video. From that one hour I am able to get about 4-5 usable video clips lasting 2-3 minutes each! I do not recommend having video clips less than one minute; that's a waste of your time and money. That will not give you enough time to explain to your viewers the information that they need to know.

Most video studios only offer an a-la-carte menu, where you pick and choose your options. That's not the way we work in the Lawyers' Video Studio. Contrary to most video production studios, we create a turn-key system where all you have to do is show up and start talking. You do not need to know anything about how the video is created, edited, compressed, uploaded or distributed. It's totally done for you.


Ask any of the video companies you are considering whether their video producers are practicing trial lawyers. Why is that important? It's only important if you want someone to create video that online viewers want to watch. If you just want to create a video to 'get your name out there' and give the world a verbal resume of who you are, then you don't need a producer who is also an attorney. That would be a waste of your time and money. There are plenty of good video producers out there who can create that type of video for you.

A video producer must have experience creating LAWYER video. Not wedding video. Not commercials. Not verbal resumes that do not help a viewer understand how you can solve THEIR legal problem. They may have won awards for work they did in TV or film, but you must ask any video producer these 3 IMPORTANT questions:

1. Do you know what a [fill in your specialty] lawyer (immigration, workers comp, DUI, personal injury, business transactions, etc.) does?
2. Do you know who my ideal client is?
3. Do you know what an online viewer looks for when searching for a lawyer in my specialty?

A producer who is a practicing attorney will know the answers to these questions. Other producers will likely not know the answers.


Ok, I understand. You'd rather stick with your very expensive (and useless) yellow pages ad that does not distinguish you from any other lawyer. Maybe you want to try some display ads in the newspaper again. Maybe you'll try TV commercials or direct mail. Maybe even dabble in radio spots. That's fine. One year from now I'd like you to come back to this article and objectively look at your stats to see how many calls you received from your other advertising; how many turned into actual clients; how much revenue you generated from that advertising and what your actual return on investment is.

One year from now, you will have lost the opportunity to create 6 months worth of videos. You might even have lost the opportunity to create 12 months of videos. Just think about how many viewers come to YouTube alone: Over 100 million people EACH MONTH! The goal of creating video is to greatly improve the likelihood that an online viewer will call you instead of your competitor. Anything you do to increase those chances will place you ahead and distinguish you from all of your colleagues.

By creating new video every month for six months, you create 4-5 video clips PER MONTH. That gives you 24 to 30 actual videos that will be online. For attorneys who realize how incredible that value is and the tremendous savings you receive, they will eagerly take advantage of the 12 month video incentive program and create 48 to 60 videos by the end of one year. That's a huge number of videos.

Creating video is the best thing to have happened to me in my law practice. I receive calls from people across the country every day thanking me for educating them and asking me for legal help. Obviously not all callers have valid cases, but just think...if they hadn't seen my videos, they would have never called.

So, are you willing to create useful video that will get viewers to raise their hands for more information and seek your counsel, or do you want to wait and let every other attorney get the opportunities you're passing up? The choice, as always, is up to you. My goal is to make you an informed attorney and let you make an educated decision about which path you want to travel.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Child Custody Papers

There are many factors to consider in filing child custody papers. You can file it yourself (in pro per) or you may choose to retain a family law attorney to represent you and file the child custody papers on your behalf. There may be local rules and procedures for filing your documents that you must adhere to. If you choose to represent yourself you will be taking on the responsibility of knowing the procedures and timelines related to your paperwork and court appearances.

Child custody papers and forms can usually be obtained at your local family court and many times can be downloaded from the local family court website. Some courthouses provide assistance or services to help you retrieve and complete the paperwork and forms. Your child custody papers can usually be filed in person or via mail. In some areas, there are fax filing agencies that have been approved by the court if you are unable to appear and wish to submit your papers via fax. Generally, the court will not set hearings over the phone. Child custody documents submitted through the mail will often be assigned a hearing date according to the statute requirements.

Typically, there are costs associated with filing for child custody forms and documents in the family court. For family law filing fees and other court related fees you will want to check with your local family court. If you are unable to pay the filing fees and costs, your local court may provide a fee waiver mechanism in which you can ask the court to permit you to proceed with filing your custody papers without paying the court fees and costs.

Whether you decide to file custody papers on your own or hire an attorney to do it for you, you would be wise to consult a family lawyer to find out where you stand legally on your child custody case and what your legal options are. Additionally, a family law attorney can help you understand the local requirements and procedures, local forms, timelines, and right approach for filing your legal paperwork.

© 2008 Child Custody Coach

Friday, July 9, 2010

When Should I Hire an Attorney For My Injuries From a DUI Accident?

Victims of DUI accidents often suffer from injuries, which brings them to the hospital or inhibits them from working on their jobs. Confinement, depending on the severity of the injury, often runs for several days or weeks. During this time, it is undeniable that the medical bill will keep on surging. Another dire consequence of being a victim from a DUI accident is the inability to earn while suffering from injuries.

When you look at the situation of victims, you can immediately see that the devastating results of a DUI accident are immediate. This means that the moment the accident happens, the victim started to suffer as well. The results are immediate, in fact simultaneous to the accident. It is not something that was prolonged, but the pain and suffering started at the very moment that the victim became unconscious due to the impact of the careening vehicle on his body, perhaps at that precise instance when the victim bumped his head on the steering wheel. Whichever the case, considering that the results are immediate, action on the part of the victim or the victim's family must also be done immediately.

If you are the victim, or the victim's family, then seeking the help of a DUI accident attorney must also be done immediately and not a day later. The earlier you seek out the lawyer's help, the earlier that you would be able to ask for the proper compensation as well. Remember that your medical bills do not decrease but only increase as the days go by, and it started to roll the moment that you entered the hospital premises right after the accident happened. So immediately seeking the help of a DUI accident lawyer would always be the best way to go if you are the victim or the victim's family.

Immediately soliciting the help of a DUI accident attorney can actually provide you with lots of benefits. You can raise your case to the courts at the earliest period and your plea would be heard earlier as well. This means that you can also receive the compensation that you need for your pain and injury could be granted to you at the earliest possible time too.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Drunk Driving Defense

Most of us have heard stories on whether or not to take a breathalyzer or the sobriety tests that the police officers administer during a DWI stop. As always the best method to keep yourself from getting a DWI is not to drink and drive, but if you do happen to get pulled over the following tips will help improve your chances of beating a DWI conviction.

The only thing that you are required to do when you are pulled over for a DWI is to give the officer your proper identification. You do not have to take the breathalyzer or sobriety tests. However by not taking these tests you may run the risk of being arrested and facing a temporary suspension of your license. However refusing the tests does not automatically mean that you will be arrested and temporarily lose your license.

Compared to a DWI conviction an arrest and a temporary loss of your license are nothing. By refusing to participate in the sobriety tests and breathalyzer you limit the amount of evidence that can lead to your guilty conviction in the court of law. Any Dallas DWI Lawyer will agree that it is hard to convict someone for a DWI if there is not evidence to support it.

Make sure you are polite when you inform the police officer you will not be taking the tests. It is usually best to politely ask the officer if you are required to take any of the tests, and then say something like, "I am not intoxicated, and I do not feel comfortable taking tests that I have never performed before." Remember police officers may be recording audio/video so make sure to state that you are not intoxicated and be polite during all interaction with the officer.

This method is commonly referred to as the just say no method, and the idea is that to limit the amount of incriminating evidence against you. Once again this does not ensure that you will not be found guilty for driving while intoxicated in the state of Texas, but it can improve your chances in the court of law.

The best way to keep from getting a DWI is to not drink and drive. If you are unsure about whether or not you are ok to drive, a taxicab is a lot cheaper than a DWI.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Oklahoma Public Records - Where to Get It

Oklahoma public records contain archives of personal important files of the people in this locality; such as birth and death certificates, and marriage and divorce documents among many others. It also contains other pertinent data such as criminal and court cases, felony charges, warrants of arrests, and so on; for these reasons, a lot of individuals are yearning to get access to this database which has many uses in various aspects of life.

There are numerous ways of accessing public records of Oklahoma; the traditional way of doing it still applies as among the best methods of getting your desired personal data, especially if you need to secure the certified copies, and that is by personally going to the respective government office where it was filed and make your request for the said documents. In most cases, the County office can produce the certified papers within the day; as long as you submit the application within the cut-off time.

For this locality, the database is divided among two major agencies in charge of these documents; for birth and death certificates, you can make you request for the said data at the records service of the Department of Health situated at 1000 Northeast 10th Oklahoma City, OK 73117. You can also call their hotline number (405) 271-4040. However, for marriage and divorce files, this can be obtained at the County Clerks Office.

Fortunately, today there is a better way of getting Oklahoma public records where you can instantly get the data that you are seeking for within just few minutes of search; without even going out of your house. All you need to have is your laptop or computer and an online access, and you can use the services of third party companies where you can perform your search anytime you want; regardless of your location.

This option may require minimal investment from you which can cost you around $20 to $45 per year for the membership of these sites; the benefits that you shall get is awesome because you can perform unlimited searches during this period and the results are also excellent because you can gain access to your own personal files, as well the files of other people.

In any case, just select which among the stated options of getting Oklahoma public records is best suited for you.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Men's Divorce Advice - Do Not Sign Anything!

A divorce, by any means, can be a confusing situation. I know because I have been there too and I have watched friends and family go through the struggle as well. Once it is inevitable that a divorce is in your future, there is often this sense of urgency, maybe even a need to get the divorce over as soon as possible. It is an extremely awkward period of time. The normal life that was once your marriage is now in the past, and you are eager to move on with a new life. If you allow these feelings to consume you, then they can only lead to one thing... clouded judgment and big mistakes!

One of the biggest mistakes that you can make is to sign something without the assistance of a divorce attorney. It doesn't matter what it is! It can be a financial agreement, a property settlement, or even custody arrangement. The reason why it is so important that you Do Not Sign Anything is because no matter how hard you try or how much you are will to pay for your divorce attorney, you will not be able to get that agreement thrown out! Claiming that you were ignorant to the issue or that you were pressured/forced into signing something, will not work. You are an adult and the judge will know that you are capable of understanding what you are doing when you signed the agreement. Anything short of proving without a doubt, that there was a gun pointed at your head when you signed it, it will not just go away.

Just consider this quick example when your soon-to-be-ex hands you a piece of paper to sign that she promises will take care of all issues and will allow the divorce to proceed without a hitch...

A man agrees to allow his wife to keep the children in the house while the divorce proceeds. She is very thankful and lets him come over whenever he wants to see the kids. But soon she starts to get very concerned that the man will disappear or stop helping support the kids. Even though the concern is unfounded, she insists that the man sign a small, one paragraph agreement that says he will help support the kids with this much money a week. It seems OK because it states that it will it is only valid until the divorce is finalized, and obviously he was going to help with the kids anyway. So there can't be any harm in signing it, especially if it appeases the wife and stops her from "freaking out" every time he comes to visit the kids.

Fast forward two months later... He is asking for at least joint custody of the kids, but her and her divorce attorney refuse and say that he has already agreed to allow her to be the primary custodial parent. He disagrees strongly and fights the issue all the way into court. The judge looks at everything and sides with the wife right away... But Why!?!

The answer is simple, you just have to take an outside look at the situation. The man agreed to move out of the house... Mistake #1. He allows the kids to stay there with his wife full time... obviously thinking about not disrupting the life of his kids, but still Mistake #2. And finally he signed an agreement that said he would willingly pay child support... Big Mistake #3. He has already assumed the position as the non-custodial parent, and he did it voluntarily, without any order by the courts! There is no reason for the judge to change that now. Instead, he is only allowed to have his kids every other weekend and on some holidays.

Thinks about it! He slowly set himself up for this outcome and the big kicker was having a signed agreement that he will pay child support. So the next time your soon-to-be-ex hands you a piece of paper to sign, just say that you would more than happy to, but your divorce lawyer has ordered you not to sign anything until they look it over. The plain and simple truth about it... Do Not Sign Anything!

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Attorney's Private Investigator

The successful results achieved by competent attorneys in litigation, client representation or negotiations, etc. are a culmination of collaborative efforts orchestrated by counsel, support staff and independent experts. Counsel analyses and uses the information provided from resources that are deemed supportive of achieving the desired outcome. The strength and effectiveness are sometimes dependent on the vigilance and expertise of in house support staff, adjunct experts; especially private investigators. "Behind every good attorney is a good private investigator". The relationship is built on trust, honesty and confidentiality.

Attorneys are adept at representing clients, filing the necessary motions in courts, negotiating issues, etc, but not in doing in depth investigative background checks, surveillance, locating witnesses, conducting field interviews, finding assets for judgments, investigating fraud, all things that a competent private investigator is proficient in doing and it augments the effectiveness of counsel by having the most timely, essential, relevant and pertinent information to formulate a position for representation. A good private investigator can provide answers by utilizing surveillance, discreet interviewing of neighbors, accessing databases and hitting the streets and implement good old fashioned gumshoe techniques. They are ethical professionals who usually utilizing expertise, knowledge and competency acquired in former careers and diverse industries, e.g. Law Enforcement, Journalism, Insurance, etc. This diversity enhances the effectiveness of the private investigative industry collectively and creates better value to prospective attorneys seeking resolutions to problems affecting their clients.

The utilization of private investigators by attorneys can be beneficial depending on the quality of the information acquired, the legality of its acquisition and the disposition of its content. The attorney's legal knowledge is paramount in defining parameters of investigative services, but the procedures and techniques used are dependent on the legal and investigative knowledge of the private investigator. This magnifies the significance of the credibility, honestly and professionalism of the private investigator because the fact that work is done on behalf of hiring attorney makes the attorney substantially responsible for investigator's actions and adherence to procedural law. Both professionals reputations are on the line and nothing should be done to jeopardize or undermine its characterization.

Information in itself though valuable, unless it is contextualized and presented appropriately will not achieve the objective for which it was acquired. Herein, the private investigator's ability to present testimony in court is crucial. All the characteristics of a competent professional are desirable in this venue and it is the responsibility of counsel to prepare the investigator for formal testimony and preparation for cross examination by opposing counsel. The delivery of information in court will effectively convey the facts and circumstances deemed essential to the case and counsel's reliance on investigator's testimony. It is something that should never be underestimated. The normal protocol of appropriate attire, demeanor, preparation, etc. is recommended as well. This is a coordinated effort to present an intelligent, knowledgeable and truthful expert's representation or maybe recollection of facts, circumstances or opinions that will assist the Trier of Facts to make an informed decision.

The relationship between an attorney and his private investigator as stated earlier is predicated on trust. A professional investigator will not compromise this trust and will always act in the best interest of the attorney as long as it does not conflict with the law. However, in a relationship between two ethical professionals the issue of legality of action will not normally be an issue unless ignorance of the legality of the action is a factor. The combined knowledge of the attorney and private investigator should substantial be able to mitigate the possibility of that occurring.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Age of Specialization!

You are virtually living in an age of specialization. Particularly the professionals like doctors, lawyers and engineers confound you with an array of knowledge that is highly specialized, unintelligible and beyond your ken.

For example, if you approach a doctor for getting treatment for your nose ailment, he immediately replies, 'I am sorry; I am a general medical practitioner. It is better to consult an ENT specialist, who specializes in giving treatment to the ailments of ear, nose and throat.'

When you approach an ENT specialist, he guides you towards a doctor who specializes in giving treatment to nose only.

When you approach the nose specialist, he says, 'you seem to be having a problem in the left side of the nostril; but I specialize in the right side of the nostril; so you have to approach a doctor specializing in the left side of the nostril, OK'

Similarly when you approach a dentist with your specific dental problem, he says, 'you see this is a specific problem in the area pertaining to cosmetic surgery. I am a general surgeon concerned with tooth removal and implantation only. So it is better to consult a cosmetic surgeon.'

When you approach a lawyer with a specific problem pertaining trademark or copy right of your product in business, the lawyer usually answers as follows:

'We don't have scope for dealing with such specialized subjects like copy right etc here in the moffusil court; you have to approach a lawyer specializing in copy rights in the High court.'

When you approach an engineer seeking his help in the interior decoration of your house, he says, 'I am an engineer specializing in construction work only; if you need any help in the interior decoration of your house, you have to approach an engineer specializing in interior decoration; likewise you have to approach an architect if you need any help and consultation with regard to the elevation of your newly built house.'

Thus professionals drive you from pillar to post in getting your specific tasks achieved. However, you cannot blame them, because, to such an extent the areas of specializations have grown so complex, varied and diversified. Medical, legal and engineering services have so many branches and offshoots with innumerable areas of specializations.

Now it is your dilemma, how to tackle with this complex problem of specialization and diversification. It depends upon the following factors: your personal interest, your educational level, your actual needs and necessities and your financial position etc.

Whether you are educated or an illiterate, first of all you have to make up your mind whether a particular work requires the service of a specialist and decide whether such service is a must. In case of availing a medical service from a specialist doctor, you have no other go but to necessarily avail his service, because it is a health care issue concerning your well being and your life is at stake.

If you avail a specialized legal or engineering service, it depends upon your exigency and financial viability.

However, irrespective of the level of your education or financial position, it is always good to be well informed about the development and growth of specializations at least in the areas in which you are concerned. Otherwise, you may be lagging behind your competitors in business who keep themselves well informed and well equipped; you may also face a fierce competition from your competitors leading to a loss in your business, mental agony and other physical ailments.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

IRS Tax Debt and Benefiting From Online Tax Attorney Services

When you feel you need professional help or advice to resolve your IRS tax debt problems, it's likely your problems have escalated to the point where you can't deal with them yourself. In case of such a situation, the exact amount owed is not the issue, but your incapability to resolve the situation takes priority, since you in fact have two problems - your outstanding federal dues and your "inability" to solve the problem on your own i.e. how you plan to redeem your government dues. This is when you start thinking seriously about seeking professional help to effectively deal with the situation.

The major issue with the IRS is once your personal details are flagged for their "recovery" process, it's guaranteed you're going to face a lot many problems before the flag actually gets "removed" from their recovery list. And as long as your name stays on that list, you're assumed to be "guilty as charged", even if you have paid your taxes and don't have any IRS tax debt pending. The IRS personnel might have "forgotten" to "remove" your name from their list. There are no solutions to this particular problem, except for "reminding" them your taxes are paid and you're in the "clear". In the event you actually owe your tax dues, it's needless to say how serious your problems are likely to be. In case you feel the IRS are going to be sympathetic or show "compassion" for you and your problems - forget it. It's not going to happen. It may well appear to many debtors that the IRS is "heartless" and will definitely demand their "pound of flesh". In fact, the IRS is just a professional government body doing its "job" of collecting tax dues from American citizens. And they have to be strict regarding their recovery, since the citizens are definitely not going to "pay" on their "own" unless "forced" to redeem.

The obvious question you're likely to ask is "OK, I know about this, what do I do next? How do I get out of this mess?" The answer actually depends upon you. Fortunately, as far as Americans are concerned, things can be easier as far as paying your IRS debt is concerned. There are two main questions you need to ask yourself - "Can I do this on my own?" and "Should I be taking some professional help to deal with the problem?" If you feel you have the expertise and the experience to find a way out for yourself, it would be the best choice. However, it's important to know that IRS can be extremely ruthless and very difficult "customers" to negotiate with. On the other hand, availing professional IRS tax debt help can be very beneficial, since you not only find a way to pay your dues and become debt free, but you also save a lot of valuable time, which can be utilized for beneficial purposes and for "income" generation.

There are many "online" tax relief and settlement agencies available. Ideally, these agencies or companies employ a team of experts or taxation professionals whose basic objective is to "help" debtors find a solution to redeem their IRS tax debts and dues. They are used to dealing with complex problems and finding a suitable way out for your issues. They also advise, and if you have specific questions, they're likely to provide to-the-point answers, so you can understand the problem from a "technical" point of view. They can help to "point" you in the right direction as to what you ought to be doing next, and how you should be "thinking". Online tax relief services can also assist you with various queries such as dependent filings, international adoption tax rebates and investment filings. In case of audit related issues, the tax experts can provide suggestions related to how much tax you'll end up paying eventually to the IRS, and the manner of reducing your net payable dues. The basic objective of availing profession help is to cater to your inability to pay the taxes, and how to request an "extension" to "redeem".

Getting some advice from a tax attorney is perhaps the best place to start. By consulting specialized taxation personnel, you can avail instant IRS tax relief and come up with reasonable as well as manageable solutions for the amount that you owe as your taxes. The people's ignorance about the IRS working and their legal rights is the primary cause why tax attorneys should be "hired" out.

Friday, July 2, 2010

In the Event of Car Trouble

At first you feel your car start to shudder. You look at everything that might be wrong. The temperature gauge, the gas gauge, the air conditioner or heater are all inspected. Perhaps it is one of these things, but it is too late. You missed the little red, flashing light warning you that your gas was almost out and that you would soon be out of luck. Or maybe it is a flat tire that is now rumbling louder and louder until it explodes.

Whatever the cause of your impending car trouble, you need to be ready to deal with it in a safe and affective manner. You should know the important things before you are caught in a situation without a backup.

Steps to Take after Your Car Breaks Down

At this point your car is non-functioning, you must now think quickly. Take the following steps to make this unfortunate event go a little smoother:

o Don't panic. Take a deep breathe and turn off the radio and air conditioner so you can properly listen to the things going on around you. Panicking will only make the situation much worse and it is possible to remain calm in the face of a scary situation. Just tell yourself that it will be OK.

o Slowly take your foot off of the accelerator. Avoid breaking hard. Try to slow down slowly if you can.

o Grip the steering wheel. Never make a sharp turn. Turning fast can cause you to lose control of your vehicle which can result in a roll over accident. Make sure you keep control of your vehicle, even if it skids.

o Slowly move into a safe spot. If you have had a tire blowout, remember that you can still drive on the rim for a ways. Driving on the rim is bad for the rim itself, but it is more important that you find a safe place to pull over.

o Turn your hazards on. If you have additional visibility devices such as reflection triangles or flares, use them so that other drivers are aware of your presence.

o Call for help.

o Wait in the car. If it is at night, lock the doors and do not open them until help comes.

For more information on what you should do after car trouble, visit the website of the car accident attorneys of Habush Habush & Rottier.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Subcontract Equipment or Services? Then You Need Contracts For Event Planning

Contracts for Event Planning may very well save your day if the worst happens. Imagine you have an event at a local hotel. It is a corporate event for a local company and this contract will not only pay you very well, but also bring you lots of work in the future. This could be the one you have been waiting for.

It is a large affair with over 1000 guests coming, mostly VIP's and other top management and they will be having a sit down dinner and lots of great entertainment and you will be providing lights, sound and the catering!

It all sound absolutely great. Everything is going nicely and the guests start arriving. VIP after VIP taking their seats and waiting excitedly for the event to begin.

Suddenly, there is a massive crash as one of the speaker stands falls onto the table and lands right into the sitting VIP's. An ambulance is called and two of the guests are injured and taken away to the hospital. It looks like this could be a disaster for you.

Later you find out that the guests are ok, but they want to seek damages for their hospital bills and they are probably justified in wanting that.

But who is responsible?

Well there are at least 2 questions to ask:

Who supplied the equipment?
If it was subcontracted, do you have a contract with them?

If the equipment is your equipment, then you are liable and your insurance company will probably have to pay up the costs.

If the equipment is subcontracted you may still be liable. How so as the equipment is not yours? Surely the owner will be liable?

If you have a back-to-back contract with the owner of the equipment that states that as the owner, they will assume responsibility for all damages or claims against that specific equipment, then they will be liable. However, if you have no contract that states that they are liable, sadly to say you are, even though the equipment is not yours.

Contracts for event planning are essential, not just with the venue and the caterers, but with everyone involved in the event. You are not qualified to draft contracts (probably) so make sure that you seek professional advice about your contracts.

Did you know for example, that you may be in breach of copyright if you just download a contract from the internet and use it for your event? It is essential that your lawyer draws up your contracts for event planning.